Solar Canopies Parking Relocation 21 May

Undercover Solar Canopies Parking Project Update – 21 May 2021
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Undercover Solar Canopies Parking Bay Relocations

The construction of the undercover parking solar canopies are well underway. After the last few weeks of preparation works, it is now time to begin putting the upright columns in place for the first canopies.

This is an exciting project for the market community, but large-scale construction of this size is not without some disruptions.

As of this coming Monday night/Tuesday morning (24th/25th May), some parking bays will have to be temporarily relocated.

Click on the image below to view the pdf with all parking allocations or visit

The MMA will keep up-to-date information on the market website regarding the construction project, including any parking relocations to minimise disruption to businesses.

If you have any questions about the parking relocation or the undercover parking project, please contact customer service.

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