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This Week in the Market – Edition 49

  Forklifts at the Market As the recent workplace safety campaign highlights – some of the most important reasons for workplace safety aren’t at work. It’s getting home safe to your family that’s important. As we get to know our new home at Epping it’s an ideal time to re-visit safe workplace practices, especially with regard to… Read more »

Flower stand power

Flower market stand holders can now apply to have power connected to their stand at Epping. You will need to complete the form and return by Tuesday 25 August 2015. Download form Frequently asked questions Is there a connection fee for power? No, there is no connection fee for power in the flower market at… Read more »

2015 – Autumn – MMA Market News

MMA Market Newsletter for Autumn 2015 is now available here.

April 2015 Epping stand holder UPDATE

PDF: April 2015 Epping stand holder UPDATE Four months to go! Target opening date announced – 3 August 2015 Access to the new Market All businesses going to the new Market (i.e. have committed to a licence, a lease, a parking permit for Epping) will soon be sent a letter asking them to formally notify the… Read more »

Important Notice to Fruit And Vegetable Store and Stand Holders About Parking at Epping – 644

DATE: 28 January 2015   The dates for lodging an Expression of Interest form for parking at Epping have now passed. A number of store and stand holders have still not returned an Expression of Interest form. It is important that you advise of your parking intentions if you wish to secure parking at Epping…. Read more »

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