In this week’s Market News:- COVIDSafe app benefits
– Tribute to Orlando Luciano
– Flower marketing campaign goes live |
Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information

The critical piece of advice for Market users is; if you are feeling unwell in any way, you should stay at home and seek medical advice. Do not attend the Market for work, or to purchase flowers or produce if you are feeling unwell in any way.
Detailed information regarding the Coronavirus and its impacts on Market operations can be found on our website at
Social distancing and good hygiene is still the best tool we have to stop the spread of the virus. When at the Market you should remain at least 1.5 metres away from fellow Market users wherever possible, and make sure you are regularly washing your hands with soap and water.
The MMA continues to monitor advice from the Australian Government closely and is in regular contact with relevant State Government Departments, to provide you with up-to-date information concerning your work or business at the Melbourne Market.
By now, you would have heard plenty in the media regarding the COVIDSafe app.
The COVIDSafe app allows the government to speed up the time taken to contact people who have been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) and will enable the government to find and contain outbreaks quickly. With your privacy protected by law, COVIDSafe keeps a secure note of other users you’ve been near, so, if they test positive for coronavirus, you’ll be notified, helping you to keep your own family, friends and work colleagues safe.
The new COVIDSafe app is entirely voluntary, but the more Australians who connect to the COVIDSafe app, the quicker the government can locate and contain any virus outbreaks.
Learn more about the COVIDSafe app |
Vale Orlando Luciano
The MMA and Market community offer condolences to the family of Orlando Luciano, who died peacefully last Tuesday 28 April at the age of 86.
Orlando was a much-loved and well-known member of the Market Community. In recent months Orlando had been working with author Ron Harper who has been capturing the stories from well-known characters at the Melbourne Market. Ron has penned a tribute to Orlando which you can read by clicking here.
Funeral details have not yet been confirmed.
Not a member of A Better Choice? What are you waiting for?
There has never been a ‘better’ time to sign up to become an A Better Choice retailer.
The entire Market community contributes to a pool of funds via access card fees, and 100% of these funds are used to create engaging marketing campaigns to drive consumers back to their local greengrocer.
As a retailer, all you have to do to get the most benefit from your contribution is simply complete an A Better Choice membership form. As soon as you become a member of the program, you will have your business listed on the A Better Choice website, so consumers can easily locate you if you are their closest retailer. There are loads of other benefits in becoming an A Better Choice retailer, including merchandise packs and opportunities for your business to be featured in social media posts.
Click the button below to join today! |
Don’t forget, A Better Choice aprons are now available for purchase, you can check out a sample by visiting Art & Style.
The aprons cost $20+GST each; for those wanting to go with a dual-brand option, it will cost an extra $5 per apron (this is approximate depending on the intricacy of your logo).
The aprons are not only a must-have for A Better Choice retailers but for any Market trader or wholesaler wishing to show their support of the program.
Orders can be placed by emailing or by contacting Art & Style.A Better Choice feedback
Do you have feedback or questions about the A Better Choice program?
We’d love to hear from you, send an email to |
Temperature screening truck drivers
Conducting temperature screening at the entry gates is a new process for the Market, and it continues to run smoothly, helping keep Market users safe.
There has been feedback from truck drivers, that climbing down from the cabin to have their temperature screening done is inconvenient.
While we agree that temperature screening can at times be inconvenient, it is mandatory for every person entering the Market.
There has been a suggestion to include ladders for temperature screening personal, allowing them to be raised to the height of the truck cabin. However, after investigation, the potential injury risk by having individuals working from heights does not make it a practical solution.
Truck drivers will need to continue to climb down from their truck cabin to have their temperature screening completed. We thank you for your cooperation in keeping the Market safe. |
Flower marketing campaign live
With most of Australia confined to their house, our latest flower marketing campaign theme is to say it with flowers, when you can’t be there in person.
A series of four videos have been created, for Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, encouraging people to send flowers; you can check them out for yourself via the four links below:
– Smiles, delivered.
– Love, delivered.
– Thanks, delivered.
– Thoughts, delivered.
Radio advertisements have also been created as part of the campaign, which began airing on Nova FM from last Friday 1 May. You can listen to them via these links:
– Radio ad 1
– Radio ad 2
We encourage you to share this campaign across your own social media channels. Make sure you’re following the Melbourne Market and Flowers Victoria on Facebook and Instagram so you can share the content and we can flood social media with the message to buy flowers from your local retailer.
Ag giving strength during crisis chaos
Farmers are not on the frontline in this COVID-19 crisis, but farmers are going about their business and keeping people fed. As analysis of the coronavirus crisis washes across media channels on an hourly basis, some have observed that, of all the industries, agriculture is doing alright. It’s holding up, staying the course, keeping moving. And there is hope in that.
Read more on the Good Fruits and Vegetables website. |
Customers warned Mother’s Day flowers could sell out despite coronavirus
For retailers who stock flowers, as well as fresh produce, there is some promising news with industry experts predicting a surge in flower purchases this coming Mother’s Day. With many people still avoiding retail shopping centres, flowers look set to be the in-demand gift for Mum this Sunday.
Read more on ABC News.
Ask the MMA
If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to: |