This Week In The Market – 11 June 2019

Edition 231: Melbourne Market Drug and Alcohol Policy
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In this week’s Market News:

– Melbourne Market Drug and Alcohol Policy
– Outcomes from Advisory Committee meetings
– Are you eligible for the 40-year service award

Market News

Melbourne Market Drug and Alcohol Policy

The MMA is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all Market users.

The MMA reminds the Market community that all persons entering the Melbourne Market site must at all times be fit for duty.

This means, any person on Market Land must not have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over 0.00%, or be under the influence of prohibited drugs.

The MMA reserves the right to conduct drug and alcohol testing on site to ensure the safety of all Market users.

Meet your advisory committee members

Over the coming weeks, we will be profiling each of our advisory committee members for you to get to know a little more about them.
This week we spoke to Graham Gee, from the Retailers Advisory Committee.
Your role at the Market:
I’m a key part of The Happy Apple. We’ve just opened a new store in Seddon which is in addition to our Ascot Vale store.
What do you think are important issues for the Market and the industry?
I think when it comes to the Market and the Industry as a whole it’s about ensuring that we get our share of voice out into the public domain explaining to consumers why going to your local independent greengrocer is a better choice. Of course that links into the A Better Choice program which explains that greengrocers come to this central market, deal directly with growers and wholesalers and are a better choice for quality, freshness and service.
What are you positive about for the future? 
I think I’m most positive about people embracing eating fresh food. I’m always excited to give a kid an apple and see them eat it. If we can get kids eating fruit and veg, it forms life long habits, and we’ll end up with a healthier society.
Why did you want to be a member of the advisory committee?
I wanted to have my share of voice, and I like the opportunity to meet with my peers and the Market Authority and gain information and knowledge from them.
What’s something most people wouldn’t know about you?
Eighteen months ago I made a sea change and moved to Ocean Grove, the travel time to the Market gets me a little bit, but being able to surf anytime I like is worth it.

Advisory committees

Over the last fortnight, all four advisory committees met separately with the MMA for the regular quarterly meetings.
Advisory committees work with the MMA to advise on matters relating to Market operations and the fresh produce industry.
During the meetings, the MMA provides updates on significant issues and projects, as well as allowing the committee members to voice any concerns or suggestions to help the Market run smoother. Some of the more immediate things we can implement after advice from committee members include:

  • Scheduling more joint advisory committee meetings where the different groups can come together to discuss key issues and hear from other committee members points of view
  • Adding a dedicated no-access-card entry lane at Gate 1 to keep traffic flowing when a Market user or contractor does not have their access card on them
  • Investigating the use of line marking and concrete surfaces with grit to reduce slips in the grower’s floor

Advisory committee members are a great source of information and advice for Market users. To find out who all the members of the advisory committees are, please visit the MMA website.

Weekly words of wisdom

Some good common sense safety advice is always to bend your knees while lifting – save your back!
Thanks for the tip David.

40-year service award

The MMA recognise Market participants who have worked in the industry for 40 years or more.
When you become a 40-year member, you receive a gold access card, which has no fee applied, as well as a certificate presented to you during a celebration event.
If you have been working in the Market for over 40 years and have not yet received your gold card, download and complete the 40-year service award form.

Produce guides available online

Our popular produce guides, which were distributed to retailers a few weeks ago are also available electronically.
Click the links below to download each guide:

Fruit Guide
Vegetable Guide
Herb Guide

If you would like more printed guides, contact the Customer Service Centre at Melbourne Market.

Book an in-store appointment today to learn more about joining the program.

Book an appointment today to learn more

Industry News

Read the latest edition of Vegetables Australia

The May/June 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine is now available online, and offers some great insights into the Australian vegetable industry.
This edition includes an interview with young grower Hayden Bogicevic from Coolibah Herbs.
Click here to read the latest edition of Vegetables Australia.

Ask the MMA

If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to

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