Market News
Establish a drug and alcohol policy for your business
 The MMA recently held a drug and alcohol awareness training program for managers and one of the key learnings was the importance of establishing a drug and alcohol policy in your workplace.
This ensures risks to workplace health and safety associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs can be dealt with consistently, legally and to the benefit of both the employer and the employee.
A drug and alcohol policy should be developed in consultation with employees and focus on prevention, education, counselling and rehabilitation. The policy works best if it has the commitment of management and support of the workers.
As a starting point, WorkSafe Victoria has a comprehensive guide to establishing a drug and alcohol policy for your business which you can access here.
LED upgrade in the Flower Market
Have you noticed the colour and appearance of your flowers may have enhanced in the Flower Market?
This may be due to the LED lighting replacement which is almost complete in the Flower Market, improving lighting levels and colour throughout.
The lighting upgrade has commenced in the Fruit & Vegetable Trading Floor and the administration building, followed by the Buyers’ Walk, car parks and external canopies later this year.
The project is scheduled to be completed in November.
Children in the Market
Time’s running out to register your children to visit the Market during the Term Three school holidays next Tuesday 3 October and Wednesday 4 October.
Registrations will close on Monday 2 October and are limited to the first 100 registered children.
Download the registration form here and read the accompanying information carefully, ensuring your business nominee has signed it before returning it to the MMA as soon as possible.
Contact the MMA on 9258 6100 for more information. |