COVID-19 Update – All Market Users 26 February 2021

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 26 February 2021
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Friday 26 February

The MMA is implementing changes to market COVID rules and operational procedures in line with revised Victorian restriction levels. 

As of 11.59 pm Friday 26 February, the following changes will come into effect:

Face masks – It is strongly recommended that you wear a face mask when you are unable to consistently keep 1.5 metres distance from other people (e.g. on the Buyers’ Walk, trading floor); however, there will no longer be a mandatory requirement to wear a face mask in the market (both indoors and outdoors). You should continue to carry a face mask with you at all times, and you should put it on when you cannot maintain social distancing. Individual businesses may choose to implement their own mandatory face mask rules for employees as part of their COVIDSafe plan. 

Temperature screening – The requirement to have your temperature screened upon entry to the site will cease, and temperature screening staff will no longer be stationed at gate 1. 

Entry gates – Gates 2, 3 and the pedestrian turnstiles will re-open, and market users will be able to enter and exit the market via these points. Access cards need to be carried at all times and are required to gain access to the site. Those without an access card, or anyone who has forgotten their card, will be required to sign in at gate 1 security. 

Importance of Social Distancing
As restrictions and risk mitigation measures are rolled back, adhering to social distancing rules is essential. You must remain at least 1.5 metres from other Market users wherever possible; Market Relations Officers will issue warnings and suspensions to market users who deliberately break social distancing rules.

Changing restriction levels in the future
These changes to the Melbourne Market’s COVID restrictions reflect Victoria’s current risk level; however, they are easily and quickly amendable. Should COVID risk factors in Victoria change, or social distancing in the market is not adequately followed, rules can be re-implemented to keep the market community safe and businesses operational.

Thank you to all those market users who have continued to do the right thing and follow the Melbourne Market’s COVIDSafe rules. 


A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website; click here to access.

If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555.
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