COVID-19 Update – All Market Users 26 August
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Thursday 26 August View this email in your browser |
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Thursday 26 August Re-introduction of temperature screening The most effective way to protect yourself, your loved ones and your colleagues from coronavirus is by following COVIDSafe rules. This includes wearing a face mask covering your nose and mouth at all times, maintaining social distancing and getting your COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible. As an added level of protection and to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the market, the MMA is reintroducing temperature screening upon entry. Temperature screening will begin at Gate 1 from 5 pm this afternoon and follow the same process as last year. Temperature screening process – Gates 2 and 3 and the P1 pedestrian turnstile remain closed, with all vehicle and foot traffic required to come through gate 1 to undergo temperature screening prior to entry. – At gate 1, vehicle entry lanes 1, 3 and 5 will be open, with lanes 2 and 4 closed. As you approach gate 1, you will need to stop and put down your window. A person in protective wear will use an infrared thermometer to test your temperature from a distance. The thermometer does not make contact with your skin, and you will remain in your vehicle. – For those in larger vehicles, drivers may have to dismount from the cabin to have their temperature screened, particularly those in articulated vehicles or semi-trailers. The requirement to dismount from your vehicle may change from day to day due to the varying heights of the temperature screeners themselves. The decision as to whether you need to disembark or remain in your cabin is at the discretion of the temperature screener. – To avoid injury and for the safety of both drivers and temperature screeners, under no circumstances should a driver or passenger lean out of a vehicle’s open door for temperature screening; if the thermometer cannot reach your forehead, you must disembark the cabin. – You must be wearing your face mask when you present at gate 1 for temperature screening. – Persons recording a normal temperature range, which is a temperature under 38C, will proceed through gate 1, into the market site. – If a person records a temperature of 38C or above, they will be asked to move their vehicle to a holding area, where they have the opportunity to be tested again 10 minutes later. The second test is conducted to allow a person time to cool down if the temperature was not from a fever, but the result of strenuous activity or similar. If in 10 minutes, the person’s temperature still records as being 38C or over, they will not be able to enter the market. At this point, the person would be advised to get a COVID test and isolate until they receive a negative result. – Every person entering the market, either as a driver, vehicle passenger or pedestrian, will be temperature tested. If there are multiple passengers in a single vehicle, and one person records a temperature over 38C, then all persons travelling in that vehicle will be denied entry. The critical piece of advice for Market users is, if you are feeling unwell, you should get a COVID test and isolate until you receive a negative result. Do not attend the Market for work, or to purchase flowers or produce, if you are feeling unwell in any way. Vaccination Hub The Melbourne Market Vaccination Hub remains open, and we would encourage all market users to come forward to get vaccinated as soon as possible. We’re pleased to report that over 800 market users have rolled their sleeves up and gotten the jab in the first four days of the clinic’s operation; well done! Notifying the MMA of positive COVID cases To allow the MMA to take all appropriate actions to combat any spread of COVID-19, you must inform us if you have either: – Been diagnosed with COVID-19 – Determined by the DHHS as a tier 1 contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case Notifying the MMA in these instances allows us to implement measures such as sanitising cleans to relevant areas and notifying appropriate people and businesses. Please call the 24-hour security number on 0408 334 555, if either scenario applies to you or your business at any stage. As a Market Community, let’s ensure we work together, do the right thing, and follow COVIDSafe practices.Wear your face mask over your mouth and nose at all timesEnsure you are keeping 1.5 metres from others Do not shake hands or come into close contact with others Questions A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website; click here to access. If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. ![]() |
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