COVID-19 Update – All Market Users 11 February 2021
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 11 February 2021 View this email in your browser |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Thursday 11 February Temperature screening upon entry to be reinstated at the Melbourne Market The Victorian Government re-introduced a range of COVID restrictions over the past weeks, including the compulsory wearing of face masks in indoor locations. As a result of the market community’s lack of compliance with these current DHHS rules, the MMA will reintroduce additional measures to help ensure the ongoing safety and operation of the market and the supply chain. As of Sunday 14 February, compulsory temperature screening upon entry will be re-introduced for all persons entering the Melbourne Market. Gates 2 and 3, as well as the P1 pedestrian turnstile will be closed, with all vehicle and foot traffic required to come through Gate 1 to undergo temperature screening prior to entry. Most market users will be familiar with the temperature screening process at the Melbourne Market; however, for those wanting a refresh on how the process works, please click here to read more on our website. It is unfortunate that the MMA has been forced to reintroduce temperature screening, but given current lack of compliance to DHHS face mask rules by the market community, additional COVID safety measures must be in place to help ensure market tenants, users and businesses remain safe and operational. With temperature screening being re-introduced, this does not mean social distancing and face mask wearing can be ignored. Face masks are currently mandatory in all indoor locations at the Melbourne Market, including, on the Buyers’ Walk, trading floor, flower market, stores, commercial tenancies, warehouses, offices and in cafes (except when consuming food and drink). Face masks should also be worn outdoors in any situation where social distancing cannot be maintained. Failure to comply with DHHS face mask rules and social distancing guidelines may result in your access to the market being suspended. Click here for more information about penalties for non-compliance. Questions A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website, click here to access. If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. |
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