Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Wednesday 26 May
- Compulsory use of QR code scanners in market cafes
All Melbourne Market cafes will now have QR codes posted at their entrances to assist with fast contact tracing should the need arise.
Any market user entering a cafe will be required to register on their mobile phones via the QR reader.
This new process is being implemented at the market in response to the heightened COVID risk profile within hospitality venues, as it is an indoor space where patrons remove their face masks to consume food and drink. It is also a venue where people sit down together for extended periods of time.
All Market users must use the QR codes when entering a cafe, even when ordering takeaway food and beverages.
The MMA encourages all market businesses, not just cafes, to post QR code scanners at the entrance to their premises.
If you visit any market premise with a QR code on display, we ask that you register before entering the store, warehouse or work area.
You can register and print a QR code at
Exposure sites
The list of COVID exposure sites continues to grow. You should regularly check to see if you have attended any of these exposure sites and follow relevant advice.
Click here to access the current list of Victorian exposure sites.
Other Market operational changes
Yesterday the MMA announced several operational changes to the market in response to new government restrictions. These changes included the re-introduction of face masks and limiting entry to the market to essential persons only.
You can read yesterday’s full communication by clicking here.
As described by the Acting Victorian Premier, James Merlino, this outbreak is an evolving situation, and the next 24 hours will be critical. Market rules and restrictions may need to be amended in line with advice from the Victorian Government to keep the market community safe and businesses operational.
We will continue to keep you informed of any relevant changes as they occur.
Market users must continue to do the right thing by adhering to COVIDSafe rules and guidelines.
Do not attend the Melbourne Market if you are feeling unwell. If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, get tested immediately and isolate until you receive a negative result.
A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website; click here to access.
If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. |