Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 10 August 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 10 August 2020 View this email in your browser |
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Monday 10 August 2020 – Positive COVID case in the Market – Updated freight and logistics guidelines – COVIDSafe Plan – Victoria Police visit – Disposal of PPE Positive COVID-19 case The MMA was made aware this morning that an employee of a fruit and vegetable wholesale business tested positive to COVID-19 early last week. The infected individual is believed to have contracted the virus from outside the Market; they last worked at the Melbourne Market on Friday 31 July. The MMA is in the process of reviewing CCTV footage and access card data of the infected individual to review their movements. Several Market users have already been identified as close contacts and have had their access cards temporarily suspended while they wait for negative COVID test results. The DHHS is aware of the case and advised that the MMA does not need to take any further action. To ensure the MMA can quickly implement measures to limit any spread of coronavirus, businesses must inform the MMA as soon as they become aware of a positive or suspected COVID case in their business. This can be done by calling the 24-hour security hotline on 0408 334 555. When businesses fail to notify the MMA of a positive or suspected COVID case in a timely manner, it potentially puts our whole community and the ongoing operations of the Melbourne Market at risk. Urgent notification to the MMA will ensure a prompt COVID response. The MMA strongly encourage Market businesses to adopt measures to limit instances of ‘close contact’ where possible. Click here to read our previous communication, which includes suggestions on proactive changes business can make that will limit the spread of the virus should additional positive COVID cases enter the Market. The MMA also strongly recommend Market users limit any carpooling to and from the Market, particularly between groups of people who work for different businesses. Updated guidelines for transport and logistics businesses The Victoria Government has announced new restrictions on warehousing and distribution operations for the transport and logistics industry. The new restrictions impose workforce reductions on certain businesses and require additional safety measures to reduce the risk of a COVID outbreak. If you are a transport or logistics business, you can find out more by visiting:,-postal-and-warehousing-sector-guidance. There is also a comprehensive fact sheet with further information that can be accessed by clicking here. Some key points for those working within a Market transport or logistics business include: – employees are prohibited from carpooling with others – employees are only able to work at one premise (e.g. you can’t do a shift with a Market wholesaler and then go onto do another shift with an unloader). COVIDSafe Plan By now, all business permitted to operate during stage 4 restrictions, which includes all businesses operating and trading at the Melbourne Market, should have their COVIDSafe Plan in place. The MMA provided some guidance on how to complete your COVIDSafe Plan last week. You can view this information by clicking here. If you still have questions about your COVIDSafe Plan, go to or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15. Victoria Police visit Last Thursday several police officers from the local Epping Police Station visited the Market to undertake spot checks in regards to face mask and social distancing regulations. On the whole, Victoria Police were pleased with the high level of compliance they witnessed from Market users. Victoria Police indicated they may do additional spot checks at the Market as we progress through the coming weeks of stage 4 restrictions, particularly to reduce any ‘COVID fatigue’. WorkSafe Victoria has also informed the MMA of their intention to do spot checks on businesses operating within the Market facility in the coming days. Should WorkSafe visit your premises, it is likely they will request to see a copy of your COVIDSafe Plan. Disposal of PPE Please be considerate when disposing of PPE including face masks and gloves, as incorrect disposal poses a risk to others. It is not acceptable to discard gloves or face masks on the floor within the Market, in the car park, or in toilet bowls. Bins are located throughout the Market for your convenience; please use them. Penalties will apply for those found intentionally discarding PPE incorrectly. Questions A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website, click here to access. If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. ![]() |
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