COVID-19 Update – All Market Users 5 August 2021

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 5 August 2021 View this email in your browser
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Thursday 5 August

From 8:00 pm tonight, Thursday 5 August, Victoria will enter a 7-day, stage-four lockdown.

The following changes will come into effect at the Melbourne Market from 8:00 pm tonight:

– Market cafes will no longer provide seated service and will return to take away service only. 
– Access to the market is limited to essential personnel only. Any visitors registering at Gate 1 security will be questioned as to the nature of their visit. If the purpose of the visit is not deemed essential, access to the market will not be granted. 

Several COVIDSafe restrictions are already in place at the market, and these remain unchanged. 

– Fitted face masks must be worn at all times while on market land, in both indoor and outdoor locations. 
– Gates 2 and 3 and the P1 pedestrian turnstile will be closed, with all vehicle and foot traffic required to come through Gate 1; this allows Market Relations Officers to ensure that all market users are wearing a face mask. 
– Only one person per electric vehicle or buggy, no passengers
– Social distancing must continue to be adhered to at all times.  

Exposure sites
You should regularly check to see if you have attended any COVID exposure sites and follow relevant advice.  
Click here to access the current list of Victorian exposure sites. 

– Do not attend the Melbourne Market if you are feeling unwell.
– If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result.

A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website; click here to access.
If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. 
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