This Week in the Market, Edition 94 – 9 August 2016
In today’s This Week in the Market, have your say on Market trading hours, plus we launch our MarketFresh Winter magazine and what you need to know about the blitz on Market vehicle registration.
Market News
Market Trading Hours – it’s time to have your say!
The Melbourne Market Authority committed to reviewing Market trading hours 12 months after the new Market opened. This ensures all sectors of our Market community could test how the new Market functions and what opportunities there were to improve the way things are done. So, almost 12 months on, it’s now time to have your say.
When considering trading hours, the Melbourne Market Authority needs to consider the perspective of all user groups, this is where the Advisory Committees play an integral role. You can find out who’s on each advisory committee here.
The critical success factors for an efficient and sustainable wholesale market also need to be considered. These are identified as being:
· a critical mass of successful wholesalers,
· a critical mass of buyers,
· an active and competitive trading platform,
· cold chain integrity,
· efficient logistics,
· attracting and retaining young, talented people to the industry,
· a safe and healthy workplace, and
· an efficient supply chain that meets consumer/end user demand.
All these factors must be considered when making decisions around trading hours.
The MMA has engaged consultancy firm McKinna et al to assist with this review. You can get in touch with them directly by contacting Kate from McKinna et al on 9696 1966 or email
So make sure you have your say! McKinna et al will be in the Market soon to talk directly with Market users and hear your feedback. Alternatively, you may like to talk to your Advisory Committee members.
Read more about Market Hours in the Winter edition of MarketFresh News.
MarketFresh News Winter edition out now!

The Winter edition of MarketFresh News has landed!
Read about the review of Market trading hours, warm up with special offers from our Market cafe’s plus read about the latest events and updates from the Market.
Click the image to read online now or keep your eyes peeled for the hard copy around the Market from Friday.
Update on the power shut down at the Market on Saturday 20 August
On Saturday 20 August, the Melbourne Market will be undergoing routine maintenance for the high voltage power supply.
This means, the entire Market site will have no power for the duration of the maintenance period.
By now you should have received a letter from the MMA with all the details you need to know.
You can also check out the information on the MMA website. Click here to view now.
If you have any questions about the shut down, contact the Help Desk on 0437 006 459.
Forklift and electric vehicle registrations – blitz now on!
Did you know all forklifts and electric vehicles on site at the Melbourne Market require VicRoads and MMA registration?
All vehicles are required to be registered to ensure you, or any other parties, are covered in the event of an accident.
We’re currently running a blitz on unregistered vehicles in the Market.
If you have an unregistered forklift or electric vehicle, here’s what you need to do:
- Ensure your vehicle is registered with VicRoads,
- Complete the Melbourne Market registration form available online here,
- Return your completed form to the Melbourne Market Customer Service Centre between 4:00am and 11:00am Monday to Friday or via email
- You must register your forklift or electric vehicle (or have made other arrangements with the MMA) prior to 31 August 2016 to avoid penalties.
After this date, if you, or any of your employees are found operating an unregistered vehicle (as per clause 9.2(a) of the Market operating rules) the following penalties may apply:
- 3 demerit points against the card holder
- 1 strike against the business
- vehicle will be towed offsite at owners expense (as per clause 9.5(d) of the Market operating rules).
For more information on registering your vehicle visit the Melbourne Market website or contact the Customer Service Centre on 9258 6123 between 4:00am and 11:00am Monday to Friday.
Industry news
Forklift truck refresher training @ Melbourne Polytechnic
Are you over the age of 18, hold a current Forklift Licence and can demonstrate experience in operation of a forklift machinery?
If you have answered yes to these questions, then this course is for you….
This course has been designed to offer you the opportunity to refresh your skills. The training will be delivered at the Melbourne Market over 3 days (each session will be 2 hours in duration).
Date: 15 August – 17 August 2016
Time: 8.00am to 10.00am
Cost: $324.50 (includes GST)
Topics include: Revision of High Risk Work requirements for the operation of a Forklift Truck:– overview; worksite inspection and hazard identification exercise; selection of forklift and preoperational checks; safe operation of a forklift truck; post operational checks and follow up practical assessments.
At the end of the course participants will receive a certificate of participation.
For further information and enrolment phone 03 9269 8615 or email
Be a star!
Want to see your photo appear on the heritage mural?
Simply email us your photo from either the Queen Victoria Market or West Melbourne, or drop off a hard copy to the Administration Office to have your image included on the rotating screens.
For more information on how you can be part of our mural email the MMA.
Key Dates
Forklift refresher training
- 15-17 August
- 3 September 2016