This Week in the Market – Edition 87
21 June 2016
In today’s This Week in the Market learn more about recycling including what waste goes where, we announce the winner of the Samsung tablet and pick up your free passionfruit point of sale kit.
Market News
Satellite station or transfer centre? What waste goes where?
It’s important that all Market users dispose of their general waste and recyclables correctly. Not only can this save your business money, it also helps to reduce our carbon footprint.
But what should you take to the satellite station and what needs to go to the transfer centre? The short answer is, satellite stations are for small quantities and all bulk waste must be taken to the transfer centre.
The table below provides some examples to help explain this further.
General waste
General waste rubbish bins in common areas are for small amounts of individual waste such as coffee cups or packaging from snack food only.
All business generated general waste is to be taken to the recycling transfer centre. If your business generates large volumes of general waste, speak to staff at the recycling transfer centre to tailoring a solution to suit your needs.
Drop and go
Did you know that you can simply “drop and go” any clean separated recyclables on a pallet at the recycling transfer centre?
Take your pallet of polystyrene, plastic or cardboard straight to the transfer centre, drop it off, swap for an empty pallet and go. No need to weigh or complete paper work.
Stay tuned next week when we answer your questions around how to correctly separate waste into recycling streams.
And the winner is…
Congratulations to Paul of Garden of Eden who was the lucky winner of the Samsung tablet. The competition was open to all Market users who disposed of separated recycling or general waste at the recycling transfer centre during opening week.
Have you tried our new online recycling calculator
Jump onto the Melbourne Market website and test out our new online recycling calculator. You’ll be able to calculate your estimated disposal fees for general and organic waste and recyclables.
See how much you can save today. Click here to try it out now.
Passionfruit point of sale has arrived!

Passionfruit point of sale kits are now available for collection from the Customer Service Centre. There is limited stock available, so get in quick before they’re all gone!
Each kit includes three posters and recipe cards.
Visitors to the Market – Tuesday 21 June
Today you’ll see a large number of visitors in the Market. 40 delegates from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan & the UAE who have a role in wholesale, import, retail & food service sectors are inspecting the fresh produce of offer in Victoria.
Another 40 visitors will also be on-site from businesses located in Melbourne’s north to identify mutually beneficial opportunities.
Feel free to say hello as they pass by.
Industry News
Victorian export awards now open
Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Philip Dalidakis announced the opening of applications for the prestigious Governor of Victoria Export Awards.
They are open to Victorian exporters across a range of nationally recognised categories including; agribusiness, business services, creative industries, digital technologies and more.
There are 3 Victorian-specific categories made up of the Victorian Exporter of the Year, Victorian Export Award for Innovation Excellence and the Victorian Women in International Business Award. The winners of these awards will be entered into the Australian Export Awards as national finalists with the opportunity to grow their international footprint even further.
Entries are now open for the Governor of Victoria Export Awards and close on 31 July 2016.
For more information visit the Export Awards website.
Want to install video surveillance in your business?
There are a number of reasons why you may decide to use video surveillance at your workplace, including:
- discourage criminal activity;
- provide extra security;
- ensure the safety of your employees and customers; or
- increase employee productivity and job performance.
If you’re thinking about installing video surveillance, have provided some helpful tips to follow for best practice.
- Tell your staff and new employees in writing about the surveillance devices.
- Clearly explain your expectations of staff in the workplace and their responsibility for upholding the organisation’s privacy obligations.
- Ensure all cameras are clearly visible and place signs at every entrance to let staff and customers know of the surveillance. Make sure you don’t install cameras in private areas such as, toilets or change rooms.
Head to their website for more details including details on privacy and surveillance laws.
Movers and Shakers
Mila’s Farm Direct have moved to stand 333. Previously based on stand 340, they sell a range of fruit juices. Why not pay them a visit at their new stand 333 or contact them on 0497 988 563 for more information.
Ask theMMA
If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to