This Week in the Market – Edition 86
14 June 2016
In today’s This Week in the Market we focus on safety in the Market including what to do if you run out of fuel while operating a forklift, emergency management and how to report a hazard.
Market News
Driving a forklift and run out of fuel? Here’s what you need to know to refuel safely.
If you’re operating a forklift on a large site, it’s possible that you may run out of fuel before before reaching your destination.
If you are driving your forklift and start to run out of gas, park your forklift in a safe spot where possible.
There are then three basic steps to get you back on the road safely.
- If required, report the hazard to the nearest Market Relations Officer or phone the Market operations team on 0408 334 555. They will provide any necessary assistance.
- Stay where you are and have a spare LPG cylinder brought to you.
- Change the cylinder in-situ by a suitably trained person.
Remember, it is never safe to tow or shunt a forklift.
What to do in an emergency
Market users have a responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, and to comply with Market Operating Rules and the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) plan, specifically:
- Using personal protective equipment
- Wearing appropriate clothing and footwear
- Reporting significant hazards and work related incidents.
In addition to this, it’s important we all know what to do in an emergency.
All Market users should familiarise themselves with the site overview map which now includes emergency muster points.
View the map here.
If you witness an emergency situation that requires police, fire or ambulance you must call 000 and then notify a Market Relations Officer or Security 0408 334 555.
Listen carefully for emergency messages and respond appropriately
ALERT TONE Prepare to Evacuate |
EVACUATION TONE Proceed to the nominated Assembly Point |
Pedestrian paths – staying safe on foot
As a pedestrian walking through the Melbourne Market site, you are responsible for your own safety.
The designated pedestrian routes at the Market are separated from the forklift and electric vehicle routes to minimise conflicts between pedestrians and motorised vehicles and reduce the likelihood of injury by creating a safer workplace.
The Melbourne Market Traffic Management Plan available on the MMA website provides a map detailing the pedestrian paths in the Market as well as safe paths for forklifts and other vehicles. An example of the Traffic Management Plan showing the pedestrian paths is below.

Reporting a hazard – who to call and when
All Market users have an obligation to report significant hazards, incident or near miss as soon as possible. But what is a hazard or near miss and who should you call?
What is a hazard incident or near miss?
Significant incidents include but are not limited to:
- Injuries and illnesses;
- Collisions involving vehicles (all types);
- Substantial damage to Market owned property;
- Substantial spillages of any substances including hazardous substances and dangerous goods
- Fire or explosion;
- Collapse of buildings, structures or plant;
- Other circumstances where there is an immediate risk to a person’s health and safety.
Who to call
Market users should call the Market operations team available 24 hours, 7 days on 0408 334 555.
It is recommended all Market users save this number in their phone.
Reducing the risk.
During May, the MMA have completed works to improve site safety. These upgrades included grinding of the covered forklift routes to create a smoother ride and reduce risk of accidents as well as and line marking on curbs in the warehouse precinct to increase visibility in low light.
Do you have a suggestion to improve site safety? You can send your suggestion directly to the MMA.
Did you know all Market Relations Officers are first aid qualified?
If you can’t find a Market Relations Officer and need first aid call security on 0408 334 555.
Remember, in an emergency call 000.