This Week in the Market – Edition 63
In today’s This week in the Market give to Foodbank this Christmas, reserved passenger parking fees and MarketFresh magazine out now.
Merry Christmas to all from the Melbourne Market team. Today is the last edition of This week in the Market which will be back on Tuesday, 12 January 2016. We wish everyone at the Melbourne Market and all of our community a safe and prosperous Christmas and New Year. Please take note of updated Christmas Hours as these have changed following feedback from the Market community and have been revised to reflect the needs of Market users
At the Market
Picking up and delivering of produce over Christmas break
As published in recent Christmas trading hours, there will be No access to the Market on 25 and 26 December, being Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Access for buyers to the Market for the distribution/collection of produce will be allowed between 5.30 am and 8.30 am on Sunday, December 27 and Monday, December 28 only.
Donate to Foodbank and help feed those in need this Christmas
Imagine waking up on Christmas morning… knowing you can’t provide a Christmas meal for your family.
When you make a donation to Foodbank you are providing food to hungry families doing it tough this Christmas. Organic product that is fit for human consumption can be donated to Foodbank located and is tax deductible. Foodbank receive donations of edible produce from rear of Store 148 onsite every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30 am until 9.00 am and donations are tax deductible at the daily rate of the produce. Contact Foodbank on 03 9362 8300.
Fruit and vegetable unreserved passenger parking fees discussed
As the demand for reserved passenger vehicle parking has increased, unreserved passenger parking is only available in P1 (in front of the administration building next to Gate 1 see map).
If you would like to secure reserved passenger parking, there are still some bays in P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6. Contact the Customer Service Centre between 4.00 am and 11.00 am. Full schedule of fees can be found on the website here.
Fees for fruit and vegetable passenger parking, based on a full week, per quarter are compared below.
Parking type | Price per quarter (Inc GST) | Equivalent per day rate (based on full week, paid quarterly) |
Reserved Uncovered – car/van | $ 343.20 | $5.72 |
Unreserved Uncovered – car/van | $ 205.90 | $3.43 |
Recycle and save at the Market
There are easy ways to minimise the cost of waste in your business by recycling.
You can speak with Ikon directly for a tailored recycling plan for your business at the Recycling Transfer Centre or call on 0447 074 622.
Day time parking for reserved passenger vehicles
Last week we told you about the parking now available in Street One for those with a reserved passenger vehicle permit entering the Market after 8.30am. This information has now been updated.
The parking is located in Street One West. This is the truck stand-by zone and is highlighted in the map below.

If you’re unsure of the location just look for the signs or ask a Market Relations Officer.
To be eligible to park in these bays, you must:
- Enter the Market after 8.30am and leave before 5:00pm
- Have a reserved passenger vehicle permit. All unreserved passenger parking is located in P1 at the front of the Administration building.
If you’re unsure where these bays are or if you’re eligible to use them, talk to a Market Relations Officer or visit the Customer Service Centre.
Nice One!
MarketFresh Magazine out now
Get your copy of the Summer edition of MarketFresh magazine out now from cafes, Customer Service Centre or from a Market Relations Officer.
Includes whats happening around the site and how your feedback is being listened to.
Read online here.
Industry News
Have your say on Country of Origin labelling
Changes are being proposed to Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) in Australia.
Your feedback is requested on the CoOL Regulation Impact Statement to help government understand how the proposed changes might impact your business.
Australian consumers have been reporting for some time that they find current country of origin labels on food confusing, and that they don’t provide the kind of origin information they most want to know.
Businesses have also reported that aspects of the labeling framework are confusing and that it is not always clear which label they should use.
Melbourne Market Charity Golf Day
Save the date, the annual Melbourne Market Charity Golf Day will be held Friday, 15 April, 2016. Taking place at the Heidelberg Golf Club the day is a market tradition with all funds raised donated to Debra Australia. For more information, to sponsor a hole or to register a team of four – go to or contact Sally Piper at Fresh State on 03 9408 6627.
Ask the MMA
Why are some buyers able to access the Market prior to trading commencing?
Fruit and vegetable buyers whose businesses are located more than 140 kilometres from the Market are entitled to access the Market from midnight to unload and collect pre-orders.
Buyers who are warehouse tenants have 24/7 access to the Market.
No buyers are permitted on the trading floor or fruit and vegetable Buyers’ Walk before trading commences (3.30am Mon, Thu, Fri and 4.30am Tues, Wed).
Buyers including regional buyers, found on the trading floor or Buyers’ Walk prior to trading commencing risk demerit points.
If you have a question for the MMA please send it to
Key dates
MarketFresh News out NOW
Grab a copy of the latest edition of MarketFresh News featuring finishing touches to the Market and your feedback at work from cafes, Customer Service Centre or from a Market Relations Officer.
UPDATED Christmas holiday hours on web now
Melbourne Market Golf Day
Save the date Friday 15 April, 2016