This Week in the Market – edition 186 – 3 July 2018

In this week’s Market News:

Market News

New financial year, new parking permit

Now the new financial year has begun, all 2016/2017 parking permits are now expired.
If you’ve already paid your 2017/2018 parking permit renewal invoice, all you need to do is simply replace your old sticker with the new sticker you would have received in the post in early June, and dispose of your old sticker thoughtfully.
Renewal invoices were due for payment by 30 June. If you haven’t yet paid, please visit the Customer Service Centre today or call 9258 6123.
Please note, even if you attach your new parking permit sticker to your vehicle it will not be valid until payment has been made.

The Fresh Five

This week we talk to Alfonso Grillo or as some of you may know him as, ‘Fonz’.
1. Your role at the Melbourne Market: I work for LaTorre’s Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers, and do a bit of everything really, sales, picking orders, whatever needs to be done.
2. If you could only take three fruits or vegetables with you to a desert island, which would you take: I’d take watermelon for hydration. Pineapples because they have a good shelf life and last so long, and any type of berry because I absolutely love berries.
3. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone: I buy flowers every single week from here in the Market, a bunch for my wife and a bunch for my 5-year-old daughter. I sometimes think I’ll feel for the bloke who ends up with my daughter, he’s got some pretty high standards to live up to when she’s used to having a bunch of flowers bought for her every week. I enjoy buying them both flowers, it’s nice to have flowers in the house, they bring a sense of life to your home.
4. Tell us something that is on your ‘bucket list’: I want to take my kids to Disneyland. I don’t really care which one, just any Disneyland. I know the kids would just love it, and I would too, I’m a big kid myself.
5. What do you most enjoy about working at the Melbourne Market: It’s a community. You can’t find a job anywhere like you get here at the Market. It’s like being back in high school, you’ve got so many friends and you see so many different faces, there are thousands of people in here every day and you make so many connections. It’s a great place to come to work.

Industry News

Boost your exposure to the Asian market

Export Connect and Melbourne’s North Food Group are hosting a Hong Kong export market program from July 13 – 31, aimed at developing your entry strategy into the Hong Kong market and drive export growth. The program includes competitor analysis, workshops, tradeshow stand samples, and expert speaker sessions. Click here to learn more.

Are you taking advantage of free money that might be available to you?

There are lots of government grants available to help businesses achieve their goals. But finding where they are and whether your business is eligible takes a lot of legwork.
The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry are holding a series of free grant briefing sessions. The briefings will provide information on where to find available grants as well as tips and tricks you need to complete your application. Visit the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry website to learn more.

A newly released business grant that may be of interest to some Melbourne Market businesses is the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme. The EMDG is an Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters.
Businesses can apply to receive financial assistance for the expenses incurred on eligible export promotional activities. This includes overseas representation, marketing consultants, marketing visits, trade fairs and more. Visit the Austrade website to learn more.

Business mentoring available for Melbourne’s North Food Group members

Melbourne’s North Food Group (MNFG) are offering free strategic business reviews to members. The business reviews are conducted by food sector expert John Lochery and will involve at least 6 hours of John’s time with recommendations for implementation. Following on from the review, MNFG members can then engage Paul Smarrelli, another expert in the food sector, to provide an additional 10 hours of time to build on John’s strategic review to conduct a performance business review. For MNFG member’s the cost of Paul’s review will be just $1,000. The package of John and Paul’s time would normally cost at least $5,000.
Not a Melbourne’s North Food Group (MNFG) member?  MNFG is an active and dynamic industry cluster that represents food, beverage and fibre businesses across Melbourne’s North, including the supply chain.  Various levels of memberships are available with loads of benefits to members. Click here to find out more.

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Tuesday 3 July & Wednesday 4 July
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