This Week in the Market, Edition 107 – 8 November 2016
In today’s This Week in the Market, the outcome of the Market trading hours consultation is revealed and we summarise key tips from the recycling info session including new money-saving initiatives.
Market News
Market trading hours review
Thank you to all Market users who participated in the consultation process on Market trading hours.
During our review, the focus was on understanding the point of view from all Market stakeholders as well as the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Market. The consultation involved meetings with each Advisory Committee and opportunities for the broader Market community to provide feedback via phone, email and face-to-face. This was followed by a survey of business principals encouraging representatives of all businesses to have their say.
The table below outlines the general preference and rationale from each of the groups within the Market (although opinions do differ within each group too).

In addition to the feedback received from Market users, operational issues were also considered including early buyers, different trading hours on different days and the impact any changes to trading will have on the future of the Market.
Overall, the outcome is trading hours will remain the same for the Fruit and Vegetable Market. The Flower Market will also remain the same.
Fruit and Vegetable Market trading hours
Monday, Thursday & Friday: 3:30am – 7:00am
Tuesday & Wednesday: 4:30am – 7:30am
Flower Market trading hours
Monday to Friday: 3:30am – 7:00am
Saturday: 4.30am – 7.30am
More details on the conclusion and rationale for Market trading hours is available here.
While extensive debate was generated around a consistent trading commencement time for the Fruit and Vegetable Market, whatever decision made on the hours, is considered to be a compromise, so the least compromising solution for all stakeholders is to keep the hours in line with current patterns and buying trends.
For more information on Market trading hours, contact the MMA on 9258 6100.
Recycling in the Market
On Thursday, 3 November, the MMA held a free information session on recycling in the Market designed to provide Market users with information and tips to save your business money. Below are some key highlights from the presentation.
Recycling in the Market impacts everyone.
- Contamination of Satellite Recycling Stations is costing the Market significantly. We all need to do our bit to reduce our impact on the environment and Market operating costs.
- Recycling in the Market has increased over the past 6 months, but we need to do more.
New initiatives designed to save you money!
- You can now dispose of your plain pallets for FREE at the Recycling Transfer Centre. That’s a saving of $10 per pallet.
- The MMA are currently designing “plain pallet drop off zones” around the Market where you can dispose of, or collect plain pallets for FREE. Stay tuned for the launch of these new pallet drop off zones in December.
- You can now dispose of <40 kilograms of clean organic waste for FREE at the Recycling Transfer Centre. Just remember to make sure it contains no wrapping, packaging or elastic bands for it to be considered clean organic.
- We are now trialing four blue tote bins for organic waste only in the trading stands to provide an easy solution to dispose of small amounts of organic waste at no cost for traders.
- If you have over four pallets of organic or general waste, visit the Recycling Transfer Centre to negotiate a discounted disposal rate for bulk goods.
Become a Foodbank donor and save your business money
- Foodbank will issue a tax deductible receipt for all accepted food donations and the donor determines the value.
- Drop your produce that is still fit for human consumption next to the rear of store 148 between 7:00am and 9:00am.
- Foodbank has both CHEP and Loscam accounts for simple pallet transfers.
Click to view more about the work of Foodbank Victoria or the global impact of food waste.
If you’ve got a question or feedback about recycling in the Market, call the MMA on 9258 6100 or send us an email.
Industry News
Melbourne Market raises awareness about gambling harm prevention
Melbourne Market is working with Whittlesea Community Connections to raise awareness about the negative impacts gambling can have on people, to business and in the community.
Every year Victorians lose over 5 billion dollars to gambling. However, gambling doesn’t just affect finances – it can also create strain on relationships, reduce work performance, cause cultural shame and decrease physical health. Furthermore, research from the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation has revealed 85% of the total burden of harm from gambling in Victoria is experienced by people who gamble occasionally, not by people experiencing addiction.
Our exposure to various gambling products (e.g. pokies, wagering, online sports betting, casino games, lotteries, sweepstakes) has increased and is becoming ‘normalised’. Whittlesea Community Connections will be visiting traders located within the Buyers’ Walk throughout the month of November to ask them to commit to not hold staff outings in gaming venues.
For more information about gambling in Victoria visit
Key Dates
Forklift and electric vehicle storage renumbering
- Week beginning 7 November 2016
Ask the MMA
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