Fresh Five
This week we talk to Michael Savvas who has been working in the Market for several years but who recently started his own business.
1. Your role at the Melbourne Market:
I’m the owner of Best Juices Co at stand 331. We sell the Milla’s brand of juice but we are also about to launch a new exciting brand of juice into the Market with juice lines like passion-fruit, banana, apricot, mango, lemon, lime and more. All the juices are 100% Australian owned and produced, and very well priced. We’re here at stand 331 on a Thursday but buyers can always call me on 0497988563 if they have a specific need.
2. If you could only take three fruits or vegetables with you to a desert island, which would you take:
Mangoes, pineapple and an orange – and I’d juice them!
3. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone (or had them bought for you):
For my wife in June for our anniversary, I got her potted orchids, which last much longer, from here at the Market
4. Tell us something that is on your ‘bucket list’:
I want to see my children married and happy, I have two beautiful daughters.
5. What do you most enjoy about working at the Melbourne Market:
The people, it’s all about people in this place – I enjoy the environment. |