The Fresh Five
This week we talk to Melbourne Market veteran, Harry Kapiris.
1. Your role at the Melbourne Market: I’m Managing Director of Kapiris Bros. I’ve been involved with the business my whole working life, I left school at 16 years old and started working with my dad and his two brothers, the original Kapiris Brothers. Now the next generation’s already in here getting ready to take over the reins.
2. If you could only take three fruits or vegetables with you to a desert island, which would you take: Obviously I’d take tomatoes, they’re delicious and so full of goodness. I love watermelon and mangoes, you can’t beat a mango!
3. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone: Last week actually, for my wife, I take the opportunity each week to go over to the Flower Market with my daughter and make myself look good at home. Although I must admit, I do get my daughter pick the flowers, she’s got better taste than me, and I pay.
4. Tell us something that is on your ‘bucket list’: I would really love to see the pyramids, they’ve fascinated and intrigued me since school years.
5. What do you most enjoy about working at the Melbourne Market: Everyone thinks their work environment is special but ours is different, it really is special. A spade’s a spade, your word’s your word, and there’s trust. On the other side of the fence, in other industries, there’s a lot of grey area, it’s black and white here, which I like. |