This Week in the Market – 30 June 2020

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In this week’s Market News:

– A Better Choice winter campaign launching
– Handshaking in the Market – No offence, just makes sense
– Portable heater safety

Market News

Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information

With Victoria experiencing a recent spike in COVID-19 cases, we must remain vigilant to help stop the spread of the virus.
The last thing we want is to get ‘COVID-19 fatigue’ which jeopardises the safety of the Melbourne Market.
It has been noticed that hand sanitiser units located throughout the Market are requiring less refilling of late, and we encourage all Market users to use the hand sanitiser as regularly as possible.
And when it comes to hands, let’s remember handshaking should still be avoided, there’s no offence, it just makes sense.  When greeting a mate or customer, try the elbow bump instead.

Detailed information regarding the Coronavirus and its continuing impacts on Market operations can be found on our website at

Shop Local to Veg in this Winter

The new “Shop Local to Veg in this Winter!” campaign launches on 6 July, promoting all the delicious winter vegetables found at your local greengrocer.

Throughout July and August advertisements will be rolled out throughout metropolitan and regional Victoria on radio and social media.
There will also be plenty of free point of sale material for A Better Choice retailers, including:
– Posters in A3 and A4 (pictured below)
– Campaign shelf wobblers
– Basket liners
– Back of house poster to keep staff informed
– Five seasonal recipe cards to hand out
Merchandise will be available to pick up from Art and Style from 6 July.

Make sure to jump on board with the “Shop Local to Veg in this Winter” message.

Try a “Veg-in” recipe for yourself
Below is just one of the five new recipe cards that will be available in-store for customers.
Why not try it for yourself first so you can sample how delicious it is.
Make sure to tag A Better Choice so we can share your creations!
A Better Choice feedback
Do you have feedback or questions about the A Better Choice program?
We’d love to hear from you, send an email to

Use of heaters in the Market

As we approach the middle of winter, the cold Market mornings are seeing some temperatures hovering at zero degrees.
Many tenants keep warm using their portable heaters, which is fine to do as long as it’s done safely.
We do ask that when you use any heaters, you keep fire safety top of mind.
– Some heaters have been found left running after trade; please ensure you check heaters are turned off and disconnected when closing your store or packing up your stand
– Check your heater regularly for visible damage and make sure it has been tested and tagged
– Make sure you do not place heaters beside or close to combustible material
Stay warm this winter, on the plus side; some scientific research suggests cold weather could lead to longer life span, here’s hoping!

Traffic management plan

Over the coming weeks, the MMA will be reviewing and updating the site-wide traffic management plan to improve safety and vehicle flow. We’ll be looking for Market users to provide us with thoughts and feedback on the current traffic plan. If you are interested in giving some constructive feedback, feel free to contact the MMA’s David Whitchelo,

Industry News

COVID-19 shapes consumer trends

The coronavirus pandemic has been the catalyst for changes to consumer purchasing habits and a rising interest in food safety. In a positive note for greengrocers and those in the Wholesale Market supply chain, the State of the Industry Report 2020 suggests consumer purchasing habits have shifted away from the convenience trend that had been gaining momentum prior to COVID-19. The general public is cooking at home more, experimenting with new fruits and vegetables, and nothing suggests that trend will stop when restaurants and foodservice return to normal.

Read more on the Produce Plus website.

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