Meet your advisory committee members
Over the coming weeks we will be profiling each of our advisory committee members for you to get to know a little about them.
First to be profiled is Vince Doria, who is a member of the growers advisory committee.
Your role at the Market:
I’m the joint owner of Freni and Doria located at 523 – 527 on the trading floor. Our farm is based in Devon Meadows, just outside of Cranbourne, I’ve been in the industry for about 45 years now.
What are you most passionate about in the industry?
I love this industry, working together with other growers, wholesalers and retailers. I think it’s important to get the right people in this Market, people who really want to be here not the people who have to be here. You’ve got to want to be here to make it work.
What do you think are important issues for the industry and Market itself?
I’m a big advocate for having grower certification for every grower in the Market, to ensure the safety of the product that leaves the Market for consumers.
Why did you want to be a member of the advisory committee?
I wanted to be involved to have some input on what’s best for the industry, not just for my own business but for the next generation coming through into this Market.
What advice would you give to young people starting out?
Look forward to the good times and accept the tough times, because you’re going to have both of them.
What’s something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I love my cars, particularly mustangs (although a lot of people would know that!)
Advisory committees work with the MMA to advise on matters relating to Market operations and the fresh produce industry and committee members are a great source of information and advice for Market users. To find out who all the members of the advisory committees are, please visit the MMA website. |