In this week’s Market News:- We speak to Andrew Forbes from the Retailers Advisory Committee
– Temporary road closure at Warehouse 3
– Is your Market vehicle properly registered? |
Meet your advisory committee members
Over the coming weeks, we will be profiling each of our advisory committee members for you to get to know a little more about them.
This week we spoke to Andrew Forbes, from the Retailers Advisory Committee.
Your role at the Market:
I oversee the Melbourne operations of Simon George and Sons, a fourth-generation family-owned providore with operations in Vic, NSW, Qld and the NT. Our Melbourne business is fully located within and supporting the Market.
What do you think are the most important issues for the Market and Industry?
A lot of important issues have already been raised in previous weeks by other advisory committee members, so for me, it is making sure we (as an industry) are balancing our priorities across all key issues in a collaborative way to the mutual benefit of all. Areas of focus such as attracting and retaining talent, cold chain storage and food safety, trading hours, credit and central payment services, consumer trends, technology to increase productivity and reduce cost are a few examples.
Why did you want to become a member of the advisory committee?
I didn’t know too much about the advisory committee when I was first approached but have quickly come to realise the important function it plays in ensuring we ‘the industry’ have a voice. The chance to be directly involved to influence the over-all best interests of the businesses we represent is what motivated me to get involved.
What are you positive about for the future?
We all play a very important role within what is a wide and dynamic industry, with overall demand for our products only increasing over time. We have a lot of clever and capable people working hard to ensure we remain relevant.
What advice would you give to someone new in the industry?
Take the time to appreciate the important function, and be proud of the role we play in society. When your meal arrives at a restaurant, or you’re at the greengrocer buying your produce, you can take pride in knowing you are part of the complex industry that enabled it to happen.
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you?
I just commenced training for the New York marathon later this year. I have never run one before, but was offered the challenge and if you’re going to do a marathon where else would you want to do it! |
This week we feature the other John Kapiris from Kapiris Bros, who gives us an equally important tip. Steel cap boots are essential for work at the Market! |
Road closure at warehouse 3
Please be aware that on Tuesday 30 July there will be a temporary road closure in the area between warehouse 3 and the plant room. The closure will occur in non-peak times between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, to carry out electrical works as part of a warehouse fit-out. The area will be marked with bollards, and Badalya Road will still be accessible.
If you have any questions, please contact Liam Sullivan from CBRE property management |
High Voltage Power Shutdown
As previously communicated, on Sunday 28 July and Sunday 4 August, the Melbourne Market will undergo a shutdown of power to various areas of the Market.
The reason for the shutdown is twofold;
- The local electricity infrastructure provider, AUSNET are shutting off power to not only the Melbourne Market but the entire local area to upgrade power lines to the Northern Hospital.
- The MMA is using the imposed shutdown as an opportunity to complete annual mandatory high voltage safety testing.
Power supply into the Market runs on two separate electrical feeder lines, so different areas of the Market will be affected on each weekend.
Click here to view a fact sheet which provides details on the areas affected, and what you need to know. |
Is your Market vehicle properly registered?
All Market approved vehicles, including forklifts and electric vehicles, must be registered with both VicRoads and the Melbourne Market, including having a roadworthy check completed by an approved repairer.
Click here to download the Electric Vehicle or Forklift Registration, Renewal or Transfer Market User Guide, which will provide all the details you need, to ensure your vehicle is properly registered.
For further information, please contact the Customer Service Centre between 4:00 am and 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday on 9258 6123. |
What to do in the event of an emergency
Next week, on Tuesday 30 July an emergency response training session will be held, focusing on what to do in the event of an emergency here at the Market. All Market users are welcome to attend the session; because safety is everyone’s responsibility, but ideally at least one representative from each tenancy should attend.
When: Tuesday 30 July
Time: 6.00am – 7.30am
Where: Conference Room, Ground Floor, Market Administration Building
In addition to this training session, the ‘Emergency Procedures Guidebook for Tenants‘ has been updated to now include the new diesel station facilities.
All Market businesses and users should have access to and understand the contents of this guidebook. The updated ‘Emergency Procedures Guidebook for Tenants‘ can be downloaded from the MMA website. |
Melbourne Market is a drug and alcohol-free worksite
The MMA is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all Market users. When individuals are affected by drugs or alcohol, it impairs their judgement, and this is why, like many other industrial worksites around the country, the Melbourne Market is a drug and alcohol-free worksite.
This means, any person on Market Land must not have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over 0.00%, or be under the influence of prohibited drugs at any time.
Our drug and alcohol policy is in place to ensure the safety of all Market users. |
Parabug drones distribute beneficial insects
Drones could hold the key to creating farming systems less reliant on insecticides.
Parabug, a drone-based insect deployment system, allows farmers to seed their crop with live beneficial insects, such as predatory mites, parasatoid wasps and lacewings to control a variety of insect pests.
Read more on the Good Fruit and Vegetables website. |
Key Dates
Tuesday 30 July – Emergency Response Training |
Ask the MMA
If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to |