This Week In The Market – 18 June 2019

Edition 232: Children in the Market
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In this week’s Market News:

– Children in the Market back again these school holidays
– Large tour group to visit the Market
– We speak to Tranh Troung from Aus Asia Produce

Market News

Meet your advisory committee members

Over the coming weeks, we will be profiling each of our advisory committee members for you to get to know a little more about them.
This week we spoke to Thanh Truong, from the Wholesalers Advisory Committee.
Your role at the Market:
I started in the family business seven years ago, and now I’m a director of Aus Asia Produce. How time flies! My primary role is to ensure the day to day runs smoothly, from deliveries on time to produce quality and market pricing. The other side of my role is to manage the relationships with our grower base.
What are you most passionate about concerning the fresh produce industry
My passion is to get people excited about fruits and vegetables! I know that the emotion from an unforgettable aroma, a textural bite or an intense sweet and sour kick from a fruit or vegetable is unmatchable. Unfortunately, this experience is no longer the norm. The commodification of the fresh produce industry has its pros and cons. Availability is now exceptional, yet the notion of the seasonality is lost. Produce shelf life is now extraordinary but arguably at the cost of more intense flavours. Produce is a wondrous creation that I believe consumers take for granted in today’s busy world. Against the grain of commodification and convenience, my hope is for the next generation to be in touch with, excited by and well advised in the fruit and vegetables they consume.
What do you think are important issues for the Market and industry?
Safety. Balancing a healthy work-life. Attracting and keeping talent. Moving forward in the digital age. Technical fresh produce education.
Why did you want to be a member of the advisory committee?
The younger generation who have been in the Market for less than five years are now making up a sizeable portion of the community. They are often tied down in the day to day but don’t realise they also have an important role and a voice in steering the future direction of the Market. It’s our responsibility to make the Market a better place, just like the generation before us. I became a member of the advisory committee to channel the younger voices of the Market.
What’s something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I’m currently completing my Masters of Food Systems and Gastronomy. I hope to complete my minor thesis on social media’s influence on food literacy with a particular focus on fruits and vegetables. My friends nicknamed me ‘The Fruit Nerd’!

Children in the Market

Children in the Market is back these school holidays, giving everyone a chance to bring their kids into the Market to see Mum or Dad in action at work.
Children will be allowed to enter the Market on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 July; however, it is essential you register any children planning to attend by no later than Monday 8 July by handing in a completed registration form to the Customer Service Centre.
Click here to download a registration form.

Weekly words of wisdom

Forklifts can be a hazard in the Market if not operated correctly, so it’s essential we’re always thinking about forklift safety
Thanks for the tips Harry.

Melbourne Market Drug and Alcohol Policy

The MMA is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all Market users.
The MMA reminds the Market community that all persons entering the Melbourne Market site must at all times be fit for duty.
This means, any person on Market Land must not have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over 0.00%, or be under the influence of prohibited drugs.
The MMA reserves the right to conduct drug and alcohol testing on site to ensure the safety of all Market users.

Tour group coming through the Market

As part of the Hort Connections industry conference, a large group of delegates will be touring the Melbourne Market on Monday 24 June. The tour is being split into six separate groups and will be made up of growers and other members of the horticulture industry from all over the country.
Please be considerate of the safety of others and be mindful of the tour groups as they make their way around the Market. Feel free to have a chat with the delegates and answer any questions they may have should you see them making their way around.

Social media booming

Have you checked out all the A Better Choice social media channels?
With over 92,000 followers across Facebook and Instagram, the key messages that buying fresh fruit and veg from your local greengrocer is a better choice is certainly getting out there to consumers.
You can check out the different social media channels for yourself by clicking below.

Not a member of A Better Choice yet? Book an appointment to have someone visit you in-store to tell you about the program. Click the button below.
Book an appointment today to learn more

Industry News

New app cuts food waste

Australian food rescue organisation OzHarvest is launching a new app to cut food waste and help tackle the country’s hunger crisis.
Here at the Melbourne Market wholesalers and growers can donate stock to Foodbank Victoria, or the Melbourne Zoo, however, this new initiative aims to help curb any food waste generated at retail businesses.
Read more about the OzHarvest app on the Produce Plus website.

Key Dates

Monday 24 – Wednesday 26 June – Hort Connections
Tuesday 9 – Wednesday 10 July – Children in the Market

Ask the MMA

If you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to

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For all enquiries call 03 9258 6100

7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI