Buyers’ Walk Deep Clean
From Monday, 29 April to Friday, 3 May, between 2pm and 5pm, heavy-duty machinery will be operating on the Buyer’s Walk to undertake a deep clean of the area.
The schedule of the works will run as follows:
Tenancy 1-27 – Monday, 29 April
Tenancy 29-69 – Tuesday, 30 April
Tenancy 71-103 – Wednesday, 1 May
Tenancy 105-127 – Thursday, 2 May
Tenancy 129-156 – Friday, 3 May
When the area in front of your tenancy is due to be cleaned, please ensure you remove all items, including any equipment and/or products, from the area.
Planned Power Outage
On Sunday, 21 April, all Melbourne Market warehouses will undergo a temporary power shutdown for approximately 12 hours, from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm.
The shutdown is to undertake the mandatory yearly inspection and maintenance of the high-voltage kiosk and switch gear, as well as replace all failed CT and VT meters in the main switchboard.
This shutdown will not affect stores on the Buyers’ Walk, EFS buildings or the fuel stations.
Alarm Testing
Fire alarm testing throughout the Buyers’ Walk (stores and level 1 offices), Warehouses 5, 6 and 7, and the Administration building will be done on Tuesday, 30 April from 7 am – 10 am. Given the nature of fire alarms, testing may be disruptive for a short time in each area over the three-hour period.