This Week In The Market – 09 February 2021
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In this week’s Market News: – Face masks required indoors – Vale Giuseppe Nucara – Lunar New Year 2021 Market News Face masks required indoors As communicated last week, the Victorian Government has re-introduced a range of restrictions after a hotel quarantine worker tested positive to COVID-19. Face masks are required to be worn in all indoor locations at the Melbourne Market, including, on the Buyers’ Walk, trading floor, flower market, stores, commercial tenancies, offices and in cafes (except when consuming food and drink). Face masks should also be worn outdoors in any situation where social distancing cannot be maintained. Market users are also reminded to: – Remain at least 1.5 metres from other Market users wherever possible – Wash and sanitise hands regularly Detailed information regarding COVID operational changes at the Market can be found at Vale Giuseppe Nucara ![]() The MMA and Market community offer condolences to the family of Giuseppe (Joe) Nucara, who died unexpectantly on 29th January. Joe was a well-known member of the Market Community who was affectionately known to many as “Uncle Joe”. Joe had worked for upwards of 30 years in the market, most recently on the fruit and veg trading floor for Lindom Estates. Joe’s colleagues described him as being kind, always up for a laugh, and a person who got along with everyone. Funeral Mass for Joe will be offered at St Monica’s Catholic Church, Mount Alexander Road Moonee Ponds on Friday 12th of February 2021 commencing at 11:30 am. The funeral will leave at the conclusion of Mass for entombment at Melbourne General Cemetery (Carlton), entrance from College Crescent Carlton North. Rosary will be recited at Tobin Brothers Moonee Ponds Chapel, 65 Waverley Street Moonee Ponds on Thursday 11th of February 2021 commencing at 7:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Heart Foundation; envelopes will be available at the church. Lunar New Year 2021 ![]() As previously communicated, due to COVID risks and the inability to adequately social distance, the Chinese Youth Society of Melbourne will not be performing the traditional lion dance and blessings through the market this year. We will be acknowledging the event with a small scale celebration next Tuesday, 16 February, so keep an eye out as we make our way through the market. 2021 is the year of the Ox. In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal, because of its role in agriculture, and positive characteristics, such as being hardworking and honest. What’s your sign? In Western astrology, your sign is linked to a constellation determined by when your birthday falls in the calendar. But according to the Chinese zodiac (生肖), it’s your shuxiang, meaning the animal assigned to your birth year. Of the many stories explaining these animal signs and their arrangement, the most enduring is The Great Race. Watch the video above to understand more about the Chinese Zodiac. Annual access card renewals Over the past fortnight, Business Principals would have received a letter asking them to review all access cardholders currently listed with their business. The purpose of the review is to provide the MMA with details about which cardholders to renew, and which to remove, in the lead up to April’s market-wide access card renewal. It is important that you respond to this letter as soon as possible, so you are not invoiced for cardholders who are no longer in your employment. If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Service Centre. ![]() 2021 is going to be a big year for A better choice! ![]() A better choice! has big plans for 2021 and to start the year off right, we are launching a national ‘Shop & Win’ promotion commencing in March. The promotion offers a weekly prize draw, encouraging consumers to shop at their local fruit and veg shop. The campaign has many benefits, including: encouraging consumers to shop at their local fruit & veg shop creating brand recognitionrewarding customers for shoppingcreating database to communicate future offers with consumersThe campaign will be promoted in-store and through online advertising, social media, Youtube, Instagram influencers, and podcast advertising throughout 2021; so there are plenty of chances for customers to win! Deep clean of the Buyers’ Walk The Buyers’ Walk annual deep clean began yesterday at the northern end of the market (Store 1), and will progress towards the southern end of the Buyers’ Walk over seven days. The schedule of the works will run as follows with the deep clean taking place between 12.00 pm and 4.00 pm each day.: – Tenancy 1 to 27 – Monday 08 Feb – Tenancy 29 to 49 – Tuesday 09 Feb – Tenancy 53 to 69 – Wednesday 10 Feb – Tenancy 71 to 85 – Thursday 11 Feb – Tenancy 87 to 103 – Friday 12 Feb – Tenancy 107 to 127 – Monday 15 Feb – Tenancy 129 to 155 – Tuesday 16 Feb When the area in front of each tenancy is due to be cleaned, please ensure you remove any equipment or produce from the area. The deep cleaning equipment is loud and does emit diesel fumes. This may cause discomfort for staff occupying the offices on Level 1 when the machinery is operating in the vicinity. All roller doors will be opened during the works. Thank you for your tolerance during this period to provide a cleaner Market for everyone. If you have any further queries about the deep clean, please contact the Help Desk on 0437 006 459. Drug and Alcohol testing at the market The MMA is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all Market users. When individuals are affected by drugs or alcohol, it can influence their fitness for work and can be a contributing factor in workplace incidents and injuries. All persons entering the Melbourne Market site, must at all times, be fit for duty. Market Operating Rules make clear that a person on Market Land must not have a blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.00%, or be under the influence of prohibited drugs. The Melbourne Market has several testing mechanisms in place to support the market’s drug and alcohol policy, these include; – Alcohol breathalysers at Gate 1 security – Alcohol breathalysers on the Buyers’ Walk – Random drug and alcohol testing by third-party providers During much of 2020, these testing mechanisms were not in place to reduce any risk of COVID transmission. However, as drug and alcohol testing companies introduce COVID Safe measures and COVID risk is reduced, drug and alcohol testing will be regularly conducted again at the Melbourne Market. Alcohol breathalysers at Gate 1 security As part of the induction process, persons without an access card wishing to enter the Melbourne Market must undertake an alcohol breath test. A person must return a zero-alcohol reading before being able to enter the Market. This includes contractors, visitors and truck drivers without an access card. This process also applies to those who have forgotten their access card and require temporary entry access through the gate 1 security office. Alcohol breathalysers on the Buyers’ Walk Alcohol breathalysers are installed on the Buyer’s Walk. These breathalysers are a tool for business principals and managers to use in conjunction with any alcohol policy individual businesses may have. The breathalysers on the Buyer’s Walk are fitted with a privacy hood, and any positive alcohol reading on these machines remains confidential. If a business principal suspects a staff member is affected by alcohol, these breathalysers can be used as a tool to provide certainty. What each business principal does with the information provided by the breathalyser is up to individual businesses. Alcohol breathalysers and COVID safety The manufacturer of the Alcolizer Wall Mount 4 machines (WM4) used at the market have confirmed that the device is COVID Safe and the machines are certified annually as compliant with Australian Standard AS3547:1997. In addition; – Units and surrounding surfaces are thoroughly and regularly cleaned multiple times per day. – Testing straws provided are individually wrapped and disposed of after each use. – The WM4 will automatically start when the donor begins blowing; there is no requirement for the screen or machine to be touched during testing. – WM4 units have an internal sample system for analysing the donor’s breath which is protected by a metal case from contact by the donor. Any surplus moisture or saliva is captured and exits the machine via the drain tube away from the donor. Random drug and alcohol testing by third-party providers The MMA engage third party providers to conduct random drug and alcohol testing on-site. Any persons who return a non-negative drug or alcohol test result will not be permitted to remain on Market Land and may also be subject to disciplinary action per the Market Operating Rules, including but not limited to being suspended from the Market. You can read more information about random drug and alcohol testing on the market website by clicking here. TDAA (The Drug Detection Agency) is the provider who has been engaged to conduct random testing. TDAA have a thorough and detailed COVIDSafe Plan in place which includes a modified testing environment with perspex screens (pictured below). Testers will be wearing masks, and there are facilities for hand washing and sanitising. The high-use internal surfaces of the testing van will be cleaned with a bleach-based solution before and after each test. If you have any questions about the Melbourne Market’s drug and alcohol policy, speak to your business principal or a Market Relations Officer. ![]() ![]() Valentine’s Day 2021 Don’t forget to pick up your point of sale material from the Customer Service Centre before Valentine’s Day. Give your flower sales a boost and display the posters in your retail premises. As well as florists, greengrocers who stock flowers can take advantage of this integrated campaign which is complimented with social media and radio ads. Fire Warden training ![]() Business principals can nominate themselves, or a representative from their business, to attend a fire warden training course, free of charge. Those who attend the training will gain the skills needed to be a fire warden for their business in the event of an emergency. Email if you’d like to attend. When: Wednesday 3 March, 5.00- 6.00 am Where: Conference Room, Ground Floor, Administration Building Cost: Free of charge Industry News APAL signals labour uncertainty ![]() Crop estimates for Australia’s 2021 apple and pear crop remain uncertain with the availability of labour set to influence the success of the season. In an industry update Philip Turnbull, chief executive of Apple and Pear Australia (APAL), outlined the labour challenges the industry faced this season and their potential effects. With harvest now underway across Australia, Turnbull said there had already been reports of difficulties in securing a sizable and sustainable labour force. Read more on the Produce Plus website. Join the online Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2019/20 launch eventCompiled for Hort Innovation, the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook is a resource for Australian horticulture statistics and market information. The Handbook is an analysis that combines all available data on production, international trade, processing volumes and fresh market distribution in order to produce statistics on 75 horticultural categories. Click here to find out more and to register to attend a launch event webinar from 10:30am – 11:30am AEDT on Friday 12 February, where experts will provide a comprehensive overview of the sixth edition of the Handbook, and unpack the sector’s performance during the 2019/20 year. Melbourne Market Job Board ![]() Do you have a vacancy to fill in your business? Email for the position to be placed on our online job board. Looking for a new role? Check out the online job board via the button below. View full online job board Ask the MMAIf you’ve got a question for the MMA email it to: Follow us ![]() |
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