Stronger Together
The Melbourne Market Authority (MMA) is committed to ensuring a safe and positive workplace environment that focuses on the wellbeing and mental health of all individuals that access or operate from the Melbourne Market site.
We all want a Melbourne Market where everyone feels included, where people feel safe and are treated with respect. A place free of racism, sexism, discrimination, harassment, violence and bullying.
The Melbourne Market’s ‘Stronger Together’ initiative is about ensuring we have a Melbourne Market culture we can all be proud of through awareness, education, and policies focusing on diversity, inclusivity and respect.
The Market Operating Rules outline how we work and behave on market land to ensure a fair, safe and efficient trading environment.
Reporting anti-social behaviour
If you would like to confidentially discuss or report issues around racism, sexism, violence, bullying or harassment in the Melbourne Market, please email or call 0448 413 098*
*Please note this number goes directly to the MMA Human Resources representative and is not monitored 24/7, however any voice messages will be responded to within 48 working hours.
Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure
The Melbourne Market Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure clearly outlines the framework for MMA’s reportable conduct management (response & reporting) process and ensures it aligns with the Market Operating Rules.
The Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure applies to all persons while they are accessing, operating or otherwise present on Melbourne Market land and outlines;
- what is and what isn’t reportable conduct,
- how to make a report of inappropriate behaviour and the overall reporting process,
- the expected standards of behaviour from all market users
Further Support
If you consider that you or someone you know may need professional support due to being subjected to racism, sexism, discrimination, bullying, harassment and violence please consider contacting any one of these services:
- WorkSafe Victoria
- Lifeline (13 11 14)
- Beyond blue (1300 224 636)