Alterations and repairs

The main steps in the tenancy fit out process:

The tenancy fit out process has been developed by the MMA in order to provide Tenants with a straight forward and simplified guide to complete their tenancy design, fit out works and maintenance.

The key steps in the fit out process are:

  1. Initial briefing – Tenancy Coordinator
  2. Appoint a contractor
  3. Design submission: Design intent approval and building permit
  4. Pre-construction meeting
  5. Tenant fit out period
  6. Authority to trade
  7. Stocking and trading

Full details can be found in the Tenancy Fit Out Guide.

Please note, the Tenancy Fit Out Guide is currently being updated and will be uploaded shortly.



For all queries regarding landlord repairs and maintenance, please contact the Melbourne Market Facilities Management Helpdesk on 1800 952 266 or email

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    For all enquiries call 03 9258 6100

    7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI