Rules and safety
All market users while on Market land must:
- wear a day/night reflective safety vest
- be familiar with the Operating Rules
- have completed the site induction
- have a valid access card or have permission from the Melbourne Market Authority to be on Market land.
If you have any questions, contact the Customer Service Centre.
All Market users have a responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, and to comply with Market Operating Rules and the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) plan, specifically:
- Using personal protective equipment
- Wearing appropriate clothing and footwear
- Reporting significant hazards and work-related incidents.
Market business owners have an obligation to ensure their staff comply with the Market Operating Rules and the OH&S Plan. Market business owners are also responsible for managing their obligations as an employer under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 which include but are not restricted to the following:
- Providing and maintaining safe plant and systems of work
- Making safe and practical arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances
- Providing such information, instruction, training and supervision to employees as necessary for employees to work safely
- Providing adequate facilities for the welfare of employees.
Market businesses are encouraged to find out more on these obligations at and develop their own OH&S Plan for their business.
Operating Rules
Read the Operating Rules View the OH&S Plan View the Emergency Procedures Guidebook for Tenants The Melbourne Market is designed to allow you to work easily, safely and more cost-effectively. It is your responsibility to understand and follow the Operating Rules so the Market can operate safely and efficiently in a clean environment.
Drugs and Alcohol
Read the Drug and Alcohol Policy
All persons entering the Melbourne Market site must at all times be fit for duty. This means, any person on Market Land must not have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over 0.00%, or be under the influence of prohibited drugs. The MMA reserves the right to conduct drug and alcohol testing on-site to ensure the safety of all Market users.
Please find the following links to the Drug & Alcohol documents for your perusal;
- Drug & Alcohol Privacy and Confidentiality Statement
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Drug & Alcohol
- Melbourne Market Authority Medical Declaration
- Details regarding alcohol breathalysers at gate 1 and on buyers walk
Watch this video to see what to expect if you are randomly selected for drug and alcohol testing

Emergency Response
You can download the Melbourne Market’s emergency response map by clicking here.
Important things to remember about the Operating Rules:
Each business must identify a nominee who is responsible for themselves and their employees complying with the Operating Rules. The nominee must be present or contactable whenever their team members are on site.
- Always carry and display your access card
- Do not allow another person to use your access card
- Only enter the Market during designated times
Conduct on Market land
- Make sure noise levels are within acceptable limits
- The site is smoke-free, except in designated areas
- Do not consume alcohol on site
Vehicle, road and traffic management
- Always display a valid parking permit
- Use pedestrian walkways where possible
View the traffic management plan.
Workplace health and safety
- Wear safety clothing
- Always use lights at night
- Obey speed limits
- Report any injuries to a Market Relations Officer as soon as possible
- Follow the recycling procedure when disposing of all rubbish and waste products
- Remove your waste from the trading floor at the end of trade and dispose of it in the designated areas
- Any waste not properly disposed of will be cleared up at the cost of the person responsible for it
Trading on Market land
- Do not sort or repack goods within a parking bay
- Direct sales may only take place within prescribed times
- Direct sales must not take place in the warehouse precinct
How are the new rules enforced?
The Operating Rules are enforced through a demerit point system – similar to that used by VicRoads for driver licences – which links the behaviour of employees to the employer’s record. Ultimately, employers are responsible for the actions and behaviours of their employees on Market land.
- If an access card holder loses five demerit points within two years, their access card can be cancelled.
- If there are four occasions of a serious breach by employees of a business over a one-year period, a lease or licence of a business could be terminated.
An appeals process has been created, so if you don’t agree with an alleged breach of the rules you can appeal. Our Market Relations Officers are here to monitor compliance with the Operating Rules. For your safety and the safety of others, you must follow all reasonable instructions from these market personnel.
Examples of offences
- Fail to display or produce access card (Demerit point/s and sanctions: 1)
- Smoking in non-designated area (Demerit point/s and sanctions: 1)
- Sorting and repacking goods in car park (Demerit point/s and sanctions: 1)
- Consuming alcohol on site (Demerit point/s and sanctions: 2 + suspension)