Flower stand power

Flower market stand holders can now apply to have power connected to their stand at Epping. You will need to complete the form and return by Tuesday 25 August 2015.

Download form

Frequently asked questions

Is there a connection fee for power?

No, there is no connection fee for power in the flower market at Epping.

How much do I pay for power usage?

Stand power usage in the Flower Market will be charged at $146 (including GST) per quarter, equivalent to $3.75 per day. This is consistent with the per day rate payable by the Fruit and Vegetable market stand holders.

Why do we have to pay for power at Epping when we currently don’t pay at West Melbourne?

The Melbourne Market has reviewed all fee structures for Epping. As such, there is a significant reduction in rent for flower stands at Epping with a saving of $675 per quarter (22% rent reduction)*.

The relatively small number of stands that want to use power can do so on a ‘user-pay’ basis (note this power supply has no relationship to cool rooms).

*Based on August 2015 fee schedule available on the Melbourne Market website. Quoted savings applies to stand rent only.

If I have to pay for power usage, does that mean I have to pay for water usage as well?

No, access to running water (and hoses for middle stands) is available to all flower stand tenants at no cost.

For all enquiries call 03 9258 6100

7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI