Flower Market Circular – edition 88 – 25 July 2018

In this edition of the Flower Market Circular:

Emergency training

On Tuesday 31 July the MMA will be holding an emergency response training session. The session will focus on what to do in the event of an emergency here at the Market. All Market users are welcome to attend the session; because safety is everyone’s responsibility, but ideally at least one representative from each flower seller should attend.
When: Tuesday 31 July
Time: 7:30am – 8.30am
Where: Conference Room, Ground Floor, Administration Building

Additional bins in Flower Market

After feedback from the Flower Industry Advisory Committee an additional 18 bins have been added to the Flower Market, 9 general waste bins and 9 organic bins.
The 240 litre wheelie bins are mobile and placed at each red roller door as well as in other key locations around the Flower Market.

Seeking a new advisory committee member

We currently have a vacant position on the Flower Industry Advisory Committee. Advisory committees work with the MMA to advise on matters relating to Market operations and the flower industry. The group meets every quarter, so only four meetings per year, and are remunerated for their time. If you are interested in joining the advisory committee please contact David Whitchelo on 0419 555 894 or david.whitchelo@melbournemarket.com.au

Improving safety in the breezeway

The MMA is undertaking a project to realign handrails and update the line marking within the breezeway between the trading floor and Flower Market. The purpose is to improve traffic management and stop forklifts rounding the blind corners at speed.
Last week temporary barricades were placed between the existing handrails and the canopy pillar (see picture) on both the north and south end. The temporary barricades will be in place until the project is complete.
Market relations officers have been stationed at each end of the breezeway to educate drivers and direct traffic.

Update on parking permits

A reminder that all 2016/2017 parking permits have now expired.
If you’ve already paid your 2017/2018 parking permit renewal invoice, all you need to do is simply replace your old sticker with the new sticker you would have received in the post in early June, and dispose of your old sticker thoughtfully.
Renewal invoices were due for payment by 30 June. If you haven’t yet paid, please visit the Customer Service Centre today or call 9258 6123.
Please note, even if you attach your new parking permit sticker to your vehicle it will not be valid until payment has been made.

In the news

Here to stay or passing fad? 
Last week the Herald Sun reported the recent popularity of body-length bouquets.
If it is a trend that takes off, with the largest range of flowers at the most competitive prices in Victoria, the Melbourne Flower Market at Epping will have you covered (maybe quite literally depending on the size of the bouquet…).

Ask the MMA

If you’ve got a question or suggestion for the MMA email it to submissions@melbournemarket.com.au.


For all enquiries call 03 9258 6100

7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI