Flower Market Circular – Edition 37
24 June 2016
In today’s Flower Market Circular, new hoses to be issued to the Flower Market, increase in casual stand fees for major industry days and tips for staying safe on site.
At the Market
Hoses in the Flower Market
When the Market opened in August 2015, there were 20 hoses in the Flower Market for common use. Over the past 10 months, these hoses have been damaged, lost and stolen.
Next week, all Flower Market stand licence holders located in the centre aisle will be given one new hose and one new key valve fixture.
While the hose itself is standard, the key valve fixture is not an off the shelf item. You require the key valve fixture to connect to the water outlet.
While these are being provided at no cost to stand holders, there will be a $300 (including GST) replacement fee charged for any lost or damaged key valve fixtures. Hoses can be replaced at the cost of the tenant from any hardware store.
Remember to remove your hose and key valve at the end of each day and keep in a secure location.
Hoses and key valve fixtures remain the property of the MMA and must be returned on termination of a licence agreement.
Increase to casual stand fees prior to a major industry day
Following feedback from the Flower Advisory Committee, the fee for a casual stand within one week period of a major industry day has increased to $150 (ex GST) per day. View the current schedule of fees.
Market Event
Melbourne Market to host the World Union of Wholesale Markets Congress 2017.
Melbourne Market together with the Queen Victoria Market is set to host the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) Congress in September 2017 putting the Melbourne Market and its world class infrastructure on the global agenda.
This is a great opportunity for the Australian horticulture sector to not only showcase the quality and diversity of Australian grown produce available for export, but also the new technologies and innovations being implemented nationwide.
The congress is held every two years and is open to both members and non-members of the WUWM. Relevant to all sectors of the fresh produce community, the congress is set to attract around 300 overseas and local delegates and covers key issues including the changing retail landscape, the impact of new technologies, the digital revolution and strategies for the future.
This is an exciting time for the industry and we look forward to sharing further details of the program of events with the Market Community in the coming months.
Safety update
What to do in an emergency
Market users have a responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, and to comply with Market Operating Rules and the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) plan, specifically:
- Using personal protective equipment
- Wearing appropriate clothing and footwear
- Reporting significant hazards and work related incidents.
In addition to this, it’s important we all know what to do in an emergency.
All Market users should familiarise themselves with the site overview map which now includes emergency muster points.
View the map here.
If you witness an emergency situation that requires police, fire or ambulance call 000 and then notify a Market Relations Officer or Security 0408 334 555.
Pedestrian paths – staying safe on foot
As a pedestrian walking through the Melbourne Market site, you are responsible for your own safety.
The designated pedestrian routes at the Market are separated from the forklift and electric vehicle routes to minimise conflicts between pedestrians and motorised vehicles and reduce the likelihood of injury by creating a safer workplace.
The Melbourne Market Traffic Management Plan available on the MMA website provides a map detailing the pedestrian paths in the Market as well as safe paths for forklifts and other vehicles. An example of the Traffic Management Plan showing the pedestrian paths is below.

Reporting a hazard – who to call and when
All Market users have an obligation to report significant hazards, incident or near miss as soon as possible. But what is a hazard or near miss and who should you call?
What is a hazard incident or near miss?
Significant incidents include but are not limited to:
- Injuries and illnesses;
- Collisions involving vehicles (all types);
- Substantial damage to Market property;
- Substantial spillages of any substances including hazardous substances and dangerous goods;
- Fire or explosion;
- Collapse of buildings, structures or plant;
- Other circumstances where there is an immediate risk to a person’s health and safety.
Who to call
Market users should call the Market operations team available 24 hours, 7 days on 0408 334 555.
It is recommended all Market users save this number in their phone.
Quick Tip
Did you know all Market Relations Officers are trained in first aid?
If you can’t find a Market Relations Officer and need first aid call security on 0408 334 555.
Remember, in an emergency call 000.