Flower Market Circular – edition 34 and 35
10 May 2016
In today’s Flower Market Circular find out how you can save on parking, business directories arriving this week and read the latest flower industry advisory committee minutes.
At the Market
Flower buyer parking inside the Market
Did you know it is significantly cheaper for flower buyers to purchase a quarterly parking permit as oppose to paying the daily casual parking fee?
To help understand these savings, some examples have been outlined in the table below.

Why have fees for casual parking increased from $11 to $23?
Since the Epping Market opened, casual parking for flower buyers inside Gate 1 has been offered at a reduced rate of $11 per day (as oppose to the advertised rate of $23 per day).
This was to allow Market users to familiarise themselves with the site, identify the type of parking most suitable to them and organise their parking.
As the Market is settled into it’s new home, casual parking inside Gate 1 is now at the full fee of $23 per day.
Organise your parking permit.
Start saving on parking fees and organise your quarterly parking in three easy steps:
- View the fee schedule and select the type of parking which best suits your needs.
- Contact the Customer Service Centre Monday to Friday 4:00am to 11:00am on 9258 6123 or visit them in person.
- Pay for your quarterly parking and receive your permit.
Not only is the parking significantly cheaper, it will also reduce time spent at the gate making payments. Simply swipe your card and enter!
The Melbourne Market Business Directories due to arrive this week.
The new edition directories are your complete listing of all Flower Market stand holders. The directories are also full of other useful information such as who to call for first aid, information on recycling and contact details for the cafes to order your morning coffee!
The new directories also include fruit and vegetable listings. Pick up your copy from the Customer Service Centre or the administration building on Thursday 12 May.
We have noticed boards!
Looking for staff, business for sale or wanting to promote a Market related event?
We now have two noticeboards for Market related promotions. Located in the Flower Market and on the Buyers’ Walk (just down from the Customer Service Centre) these notice boards are for everyone to use.
Conditions do apply, so pop into the Customer Service Centre to chat to our staff to find out more.
Hoses in the Flower Market
On opening of the Epping Market, there were 25 hoses installed and available for flower stand holders to use free of charge.
Over the past eight months, a majority of these hoses have either gone missing or been damaged. The type of hoses fitted were fire hose grade, making them robust, however difficult and costly for stand holders to replace.
After receiving feedback from a number of flower stand holders as well as conducting testing of hoses within the Flower Market, we’re pleased to report a new solution.
The current hoses, fittings and handles will be replaced.
What this means for you:
- All hose connections will be replaced in the coming weeks with the new system.
- There will be no tenant charges for this replacement.
- Any damage hoses or connections will be the responsibility of the stand holders to replace and are readily available from your local hardware store.
If you have any questions about this maintenance, contact the Melbourne Market Help Desk on 0437 006 459.
Emergency management at the Melbourne Market – free training session
To assist in creating a safe working environment, the MMA is offering a free training session on the emergency management procedures at the Market.
The course will provide information on:
- location of emergency assembly areas
- warden structures and cover some basic responsibilities
- raising the alarm of an emergency
- evacuating safely in the event of a fire or hazardous materials emergency
- the type of fire equipment.
This session is open to all and light refreshments will be provided.
When: Wednesday 11 May
Where: Melbourne Market conference room, ground floor, administration building
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am
RSVP: workrequest@melbournemarket.com.au
Maintenance requests – who to call and when
Did you know the Market has a dedicated facilities management team? But what is facilities management, and when should you call them?
The facilities management team are available 24/7 and are here to help with all your maintenance enquiries. The team are responsible for looking after the Market site and can also help with issues within individual tenancies.
So when should you call them?
The Market facilities management team are your first port of call for all maintenance related enquiries. Market users should call the facilities management Help Desk to:
- report an issue or damage on site e.g. blocked toilets or hazards on the Market floor;
- get a quote for onsite repairs and maintenance within a tenancy; or
- report an issue with waste.
Get in touch
- In person: Warehouse 6, Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 4:00pm
- Phone: 24 hours, 7 days on 0437 006 459 or 03 9258 6149.
- Email: workrequest@melbournemarket.com.au (please note email’s aren’t monitored on weekends).
Industry News
Advisory Committee Minutes
The Flower Industry Advisory Committee met on 16 March 2016 and discussed issues including Market Hours, Market operations including parking and stand fees.
View the minutes from the latest meeting here.
Key Dates
Queens Birthday public holiday
Monday 13 June, 2016 – Market closed
Quick Tip
Did you know all Market Relations Officers are trained in first aid?
If you can’t find a Market Relations Officer and need first aid call security on 0408 334 555.
Remember, in an emergency call 000.