Flower Market Circular – Edition 32
This Valentine’s Day we want everyone to know it’s ok to wine and dine your loved one, you can fly them to the moon and back, but don’t forget the flowers!
Nothing says ‘I love you’ like flowers this Valentine’s Day.
This is the key message we want everyone to remember this Valentine’s Day, so our Valentine’s Day campaign starts today. This message will be broadcast as follows over the coming week:
- Radio: Nova FM and Triple M
Listen to the ad today.
- Online:
- Facebook – Sponsored Ads
- Online Ads – on News.com.au sites including Herald Sun, Cars Guide, The Australian, Career One and many more.
The online ads will appear based on search criteria so here is a sample for you.
- Poster, facebook tiles, logos etc are all available for you to use and download on www.poweroftheflower.com.au
Sample of online advertising.

Update your Florist Details Today:
Make sure your Florist is listed on the Market Fresh online Directory. We have recently updated the details, however we know many businesses now have websites, email addresses for ordering and have changed their specialities. So please log onto MarketFresh and check your details today. If updates are required, you would like to supply logos, or additional florists are to be listed, email the details or send a message through our Facebook Page – MarketFresh.
Like us on Facebook Page
Like us on Facebook and this month you will receive a FREE coffee voucher at the Market Espresso Bar.
This campaign has been made possible by:
- Melbourne Market Authority
- Flowers Victoria
- Halit Flowers
- The Orchid Man
- Wafex