Coronavirus (COVID-19) update Sunday 2 August 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 2 August 2020 View this email in your browser |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Sunday 2 August 2020 – Metropolitan Melbourne moving to stage 4 restrictions – Positive COVID-19 case in the Melbourne Wholesale Market Stage 4 restrictions This afternoon Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced that Metropolitan Melbourne would move to stage 4 restrictions. Today’s announcement detailed restrictions as they relate to people’s personal lives. The Premier will announce how restrictions will affect workplaces tomorrow; however, today it was made clear that businesses involved in the supply of food, like the supermarket, butcher, baker and the fruit shop, will operate as usual. The Melbourne Market, including the fruit and vegetable market and the flower market, continues to operate with regular trading hours. Positive COVID-19 case The Melbourne Market Authority (MMA) was informed Friday night that an MMA subcontractor has tested positive to COVID-19. The infected individual is a Market Relations Officer (MRO), who last worked at the Market on Wednesday 21 July, between 4:00 am 12:00 pm. The MRO spent time on the Market floor; however, CCTV footage has confirmed only one other subcontractor has been identified as a close contact. This person is self-isolating until a negative test result is confirmed. A close contact is defined as spending 15 minutes in an enclosed space with an infected individual. The DHHS advised that the MMA does not need to take any further action. As all MMA staff and subcontractors have been required to wear face masks since before mandatory laws were introduced, the risk of transmission is considered low. We are regularly cleaning high-risk surfaces such as handrails, toilets and bathrooms; however, additional deep cleans have also been undertaken in the last 48 hours. Questions A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website, click here to access. If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. |
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