Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 13 July 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – 13 July 2020
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Monday 13 July 2020

  • Face mask use is recommended for all Market users
  • Market users should notify the MMA if they either contract COVID-19 or are required to isolate after coming into close contact with a COVID-19 confirmed case
  • Penalties now being issued for those deliberately not social distancing

Use of face masks while at the Market
The Victorian Chief Health Officer now recommends that adults living in areas under Stage 3 restrictions wear a face mask when outside the home if it is difficult to keep 1.5 metres apart from other people. In line with this information, the MMA is strongly recommending that all Market users wear a face mask when working in the Market.

Wearing a face mask protects you and others in the Market community by providing an additional physical barrier to COVID-19.

The term ‘face mask’ includes cloth masks and single-use face masks (commonly called surgical masks). Both masks are suitable for use to prevent the spread of COVID-19. You can find out more about the different types of face masks and a list of frequently asked questions, which we recommend you read, on the Victorian Government website.

Face masks are another effective tool in reducing the risk of spreading the virus however, keeping 1.5 metres between yourself and others and washing your hands are still the best defences against coronavirus.

Recommendations for using a Cloth Face mask with Brett Sutton, Victorian Chief Health Officer
Notifying the MMA of COVID-19
To allow the MMA to take all appropriate actions to combat any spread of COVID-19, you must inform us if you have either:
– Been diagnosed with COVID-19
– Determined by the DHHS as a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case
Notifying the MMA in these instances allows us to implement measures such as sanitising cleans to relevant areas and notifying appropriate people and businesses. Please call the 24-hour security number on 0408 334 555, if either scenario applies to you at any stage.
Penalties now being issued for those deliberately not social distancing
As communicated last week, to help ensure the safety and business continuity of the Melbourne Market, the MMA will now be imposing penalties for those deliberately not following social distancing rules.
Under Operating Rule 12(b), A Person on Market Land must comply with the OH&S Plan and all relevant OH&S Requirements at all times; therefore any person found deliberately breaking social distancing rules will be subject the following penalties:
1st offence – Warning that is recorded in a Market user’s file
2nd offence – 24-hour suspension from the Market*
3rd offence – 48-hour suspension from the Market*
4th offence – 72-hour suspension from the Market*
*Any suspension is effective from the next business day
Market Relations Officers will also issue penalties ‘after the fact’ for non-compliance with social distancing rules as part of their current review of CCTV footage.

A summary of previous COVID-19 updates and operational changes are kept on our website, click here to access.
If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555.

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