Epping Market allocation option papers now available
Note: The drawings are final copy (architect drawn) of plans for discussion on the option of a ballot within quadrants. They are not different to the hand drawn maps posted online on the 27th Feb 2012.
There are three important papers on allocation options for members of the fruit, vegetable and flower market are now available on the website (See Relocation/Advisory Committees).
These papers are the first of a number that will be released for you to comment back to Government. After a period of consultation and advice from the various Advisory Committees to Government a final decision will be made on the allocation of space at the new Epping Market.
You are encouraged to read the documents and give your views to members of the Advisory Committees. (See Relocation/Advisory Committees for names and contact details of Advisory Committee members).
You can also write to the MMA expressing your views. Written submissions including author’s names will be kept in strict confidence. If making your submission in writing to the MMA, direct your correspondence to Marisa Di Pietro, marisa.dipietro@melbournemarkets.com.au. Hard copies of the papers are also available from the MMA reception desk.
Meetings for the various Advisory Committees have been set for February/March and are as follows:
Epping Market Committee – Tuesday, February 28 – 8.00 am
Growers Advisory Committee – TBA
Flower Growers/Florist Advisory Committee – TBA
Wholesalers Advisory Committee – Thursday, March 8 – 9.00am
Retailers Advisory Committee – TBA
(Meetings are held in the MMA Board Room).
Relevant documentation to be discussed at the meetings is available on the website. (see Relocation/Advisory Committees)
Please contact your Advisory Committee member (see Relocation/Advisory Committees for Committee members and their contact details) if you would like a particular issues raised at the meeting on your behalf.