Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – Monday 23 March 2020
- The Melbourne Market will remain open
- Market Cafes will be restricted to take away and delivery services only
Stage 1 Victorian Shutdown
Yesterday Premier Daniel Andrews announced that Victoria would proceed, over 48 hours, to implement a shutdown of all non-essential activity across the state to combat the spread of Coronavirus.
Further to this announcement the Premier held a press conference this morning and provided a comprehensive list of which business will be affected by stage 1 of the shutdown.
- Food markets are considered an essential service, and as such, the Fruit and Vegetable Market will continue to operate during this crisis.
- Stage 1 of the Victorian shutdown allows retail premises to remain open; this means the Melbourne Flower Market and Market commercial retail businesses can continue to trade.
- Cafés and restaurants will be restricted only to allow takeaway, or delivery services and these restrictions will apply to all cafes at the Melbourne Market.
- As of Tuesday 24 March, all Victorian schools will close, under no circumstance can children be brought to any part of the Market site. Any children accompanying Market users will be denied entry at the gate.
Reducing the risk of COVID-19 at the Market
The critical piece of advice for Market users is, if you are feeling unwell, you should stay at home and seek medical advice. Do not attend the Market for work, or to purchase flowers or produce, if you are feeling unwell in any way.
The Federal and State Government continue to stress the importance of social distancing. You should think about how you can alter your daily tasks to minimise direct close contact with others around you.
When at the Market you should be:
- Refraining from handshaking, hugging, kissing hello or similar
- Washing and sanitising hands regularly.
- Keeping a distance of at least 1.5 metres between yourself and fellow Market users where possible
The MMA is continually monitoring the latest advice from Government Departments and the World Health organisation about COVID-19, and we are taking a proactive approach and putting plans in place to help ensure everyone’s health and safety.
If you have any further questions, you can call the 24-hour security number, 0408 334 555. |