This Week In The Market – 4 September 2018

Edition 195: Asparagus brings in the big bucks
In this week’s Market News:

  • Asparagus brings in the big bucks for charity
  • Register for Children in the Market
  • Make your body sing

Market News

First box of asparagus brings in the big bucks for charity

Our Market community has again shown how generous we are with $132,714 raised in a single morning for the Epilepsy Foundation.
The first box of white asparagus was auctioned last Thursday at Motta Produce with David Goffman of Gibb Brothers Farming being the successful bidder at $16,000. This is the second time Motta Produce have held the charity event for the season launch of the white asparagus, with Mick Motta commenting that the whole family were in the field searching to hand-pick enough of the white spears to make up the first box.
Well done to Motta Produce for organising such a worth-while event and a big thank you to all of those in the Market Community who gave so generously.

Market trading hours

The consultation process for reviewing Market trading hours is still ongoing and we hope to announce a decision soon. In the meantime, the MMA are investigating some new initiatives that may be appropriate and compliment any decision made on Market trading hours.
Remember that any change made would first run as a 90-day trial period.
Watch this space!

Public Holiday closure

Looking forward to the upcoming long weekend?
The Market will be closed on Friday 28 September for the AFL Grand Final eve public holiday.
Market trading hours before and after the public holiday will remain unchanged.
Will your team be celebrating on the last Saturday in September? Check out the road to grand final success in the AFL’s finals predictor tool.

Children in the Market

During the upcoming school holidays, you’ll have the opportunity to bring your children to spend a day at the Market on either, Wednesday 26 September and/or Thursday 27 September. It is essential that you register each child attending prior to the event.
Registrations will close on Tuesday 25 September and are limited to the first 100 registered children.
Download the registration form here, then complete and return to the Customer Service Centre as soon as possible.
Contact the MMA on 9258 6100 for more information.

The Fresh Five

This week we talk to Melbourne Market veteran, Harry Kapiris.
1. Your role at the Melbourne Market: I’m Managing Director of Kapiris Bros. I’ve been involved with the business my whole working life, I left school at 16 years old and started working with my dad and his two brothers, the original Kapiris Brothers. Now the next generation’s already in here getting ready to take over the reins.
2. If you could only take three fruits or vegetables with you to a desert island, which would you take: Obviously I’d take tomatoes, they’re delicious and so full of goodness. I love watermelon and mangoes, you can’t beat a mango!
3. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone: Last week actually, for my wife, I take the opportunity each week to go over to the Flower Market with my daughter and make myself look good at home. Although I must admit, I do get my daughter pick the flowers, she’s got better taste than me, and I pay.
4. Tell us something that is on your ‘bucket list’: I would really love to see the pyramids, they’ve fascinated and intrigued me since school years.
5. What do you most enjoy about working at the Melbourne Market:  Everyone thinks their work environment is special but ours is different, it really is special. A spade’s a spade, your word’s your word, and there’s trust. On the other side of the fence, in other industries, there’s a lot of grey area, it’s black and white here, which I like.

Worksafe visits

Worksafe Victoria have notified the MMA that they will be conducting ad-hoc site visits at the Melbourne Market starting late September through to November. It’s important to remember that Worksafe inspectors have the authority to enter any workplace at any time, so if an inspector ask to speak with you or ask to enter your worksite (e.g. cool room, store, warehouse) you are obligated to follow their instruction. During their visits Worksafe will focus on manual loading and unloading of goods, you can read more about correct manual handling techniques on the Worksafe website.

Industry News

Cauliflower comeback

Just like ’90s fashion, the cauliflower has made a comeback over the past few years — only this time it’s gone from soggy side dish to the main event.
Even though it’s best known as a winter vegetable, cauliflower can prove just as popular in the warmer months and one reason behind cauliflower’s revival is it’s low-carb and low-fat qualities. Cauliflower is being used as a carbohydrate substitute – think cauliflower pizza bases and cauliflower ‘rice’. Read more about all the different possibilities and interesting things that can be done with cauliflower here.

Dry weather set to deliver bumper asparagus crop

Dry weather might be the scourge of many crops but for Aussie asparagus growers it could mean one of the best crops in years. Australian Asparagus Council president, Alex Motta, said this year’s crop is on track to be one of the best, with the good year of preparation meaning the early season spears are delicious, crisp and firm. One serve of asparagus, which is about three to four spears, has a quarter of an adult’s daily vitamin C needs, as well as providing B vitamins, potassium, and fibre.
Read more about this season’s bumper asparagus crop at Good Fruit and Vegetables.

Make your body sing

You’ll soon be feeling nostalgic and singing along to “ba-na-na-na-na-na” again with Hort Innovation launching a new marketing campaign focusing on how the fruit helps Australians to live their best life. The new marketing drive is an extension of the 24-year-old “Make your body sing” campaign, boasting a fresh take on the classic ‘Ba-na-na-na’ music track, along with a new tag line; “Peel Good. Feel Good!”.
The campaign aims to position bananas as a fresh and natural alternative to the fast-growing category of processed energy bars and protein balls that have flooded the consumer market.

Key Dates

Wed 26 & Thurs 27 September           Children in the Market

Friday 28 September                           AFL Grand Final eve public holiday (Market closed)

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7AM - 3PM, MON - FRI