Collisions on the rise
Since 2015-2016 there has been a 27 per cent increase in the number of incidents around the Market. The vast majority have involved damage to roller doors, signs, buildings and bollards.
Forklifts and passenger vehicles are generally the main culprits with drivers not following designated roadways as outlined in the Market’s Traffic Management Plan and as sign posted in the Market.
You may have noticed flags and set up changes to bollards (including using plastic bollards and moving them to different locations to minimise gaps) on the Trading Floor to increase their visibility.
There has also been an increase of passenger vehicles hitting sign posts and bollards within the vehicle parking areas.
The Traffic Management Plan aims to minimise conflicts and create a safer workplace for all, so it’s in everyone’s best interests to adhere to it.
Businesses are also encouraged to discuss and address fatigue with their employees by assessing work-related factors, factors outside work, or a combination of both.
You can find more information regarding fatigue management here. |